February 26, 2012

30 Day Sci-Fi Challenge - Day 24

Who's the #1 Captain -- Jean-Luc Picard 
He may not have gotten all the ladies like Kirk, and he may not have had stones like Sisko, but this guy was epic. While he was far more diplomatic, and thoughtful than Kirk he also never shied away from a fight. Picard often won battles with words though. Clever diplomatic phrasing to the Romulans and Cardassians got him out of a lot of tough spots, but he also could go full on diplomatic ambassador style. A brilliant mediator he certainly was, especially when it came to the Klingons. He stood up to the omnipotent being Q several times, and saved humanity from...himself.

Interestingly, my two favorite Picard moments didn't even happen while he was serving on the Enterprise. I won't go into it here, but those moments are from episodes "Family" and "The Inner Light".

See Star Trek, when you cast a brilliant Shakespearean actor you get brilliance.

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