February 10, 2012

30 Day Sc-Fi Challenge -- Day 10

In Which Sci-Fi Universe Would You Like to Live -- Star Trek

This Sci-Fi challenge is being taken over by Star Trek! Which is perfectly understandable, I love this franchise and universe more than any other.

Who wouldn't want to live in the Star Trek Universe? You can go flying around the galaxy in fancy ships, the women wear amazing outfits, you have technology that makes the iPad look like a pet rock, and the Earth exists in a near Utopia(and not one of those Childhood's End utopias either!)

I want a holodeck! That and hover boards. I'm sure the replicator can make a hover board if you asked nicely. Replicators!! Oh man, I NEED that. Imagine this. it's 4:00 AM, you get a craving for a specific type of turkey sub from a specific deli. WELL the replicator can make you that sub!!!

Second choice for this topic is Doctor Who Universe.  But only because that means I could meet the Doctor, and have him say "run" to me.

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