February 14, 2012

30 Day Sci-Fi Challenge -- Day 14

An Under-rated Sci-Fi Gem -- Sunshine

Sunshine from Danny Boyle is a great film. It tells the story of a mission to the Sun in an effort to save planet Earth. The science and reasons for the mission are discussed briefly, but I think it's smart that they don't go to much into what happened to the Sun to prompt this mission. The mission itself and the issues they run into are very realistic. From the way the ship is constructed, to the "Oxygen Garden" a lot of what is seen in this movie could really work on a real mission. The end of the movie gets a little insane, and horror movie like and I think it could done without that, but it is exciting.

The score of this movie is one of my favorites and really adds the appropriate sense of danger and wonder that is expected when it comes to the Sun. While the Sun is the giver of all life on Earth, it also is a giant ball of fire. There really is no better analogy for the giver life and bringer death than a star. The cast of the movie makes me smile. You have Chris Evans, Cillian Murphy, and a very creepy Mark Strong.

If you haven't seen this one, then check it out.  

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