February 12, 2012

30 Day Sci-Fi Challenge -- Day 12

Yeah I know It's Rubbish But I LOVE It - The Day After Tomorrow

This is a disaster movie that is in rare form. Usually in natural disaster movies they discover some big threat, it builds as the movie goes on, and then in the end they use some crazy made up science thing to stop it, or they just use nuclear weapons. However, in The Day After Tomorrow they are like "oh, this is happening...we're all frakked".  They don't try and stop it, or even save anyone they just run away.  Which is what one would normally do.

Now of course Denis Quaid(who is a brilliant climatologist) sets out to save his son, his hot girlfriend and black friend, and a number of other people who decide staying alive is more important than preserving books. I mean who needs books? Just buy a Kindle from our friends at Amazon! OR click the link to the left and get a free Audiobook from our friends at Audible!

One thing that this movie has over a movie like 2012 is that the threat posed is a real one. While it's sped up, and made about a million times more intense the science is sound. If too much fresh water is added to the oceans it will change the salinity and prevent the currents that heat the planet from running properly. Will three massive hurricane like storms form and cause Jack Gyllenhal to run from an ice death ray? NO.  BUT, it is possible that such an event could lower average temperatures in the North Atlantic. That would be bad. Not catastrophic, or anything even close to the end of the world, but we would certainly notice and there would be serious effects to agriculture, and weather patterns.

I love this movie for 1)Being so ridiculous, but at least doing some amount of research beforehand, and also 2)It pissed off a lot of Anti-Global Warming people. That's always a good thing in my mind.

If you haven't seen this one check it out. It's a great dumb movie to watch.

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