January 24, 2012

Once Upon a Time 1x10 Review

7:15 A.M. 

In this episode we are told more about Snow White and Prince Charming. We also see how she eventually meets up with the seven dwarfs. I liked the episode a lot, and I'm actually really shocked how much I care about the relationships on the show. I normally don't care about shipping, or who likes who but OUAT really does that aspect well. I think the difference is we don't have to sit through years of "will they or won't they" tension, and we know that there won't be those annoying and predictable love triangles.

We know this because everything that happens in Storybrooke is some how related to what happened or happens in Fairy Tale land. So we know that Mary and David will get together, and that when they do it will be important. We know that Regina is not butting in just to be annoying, we know that as the Evil Queen she both doesn't want them to be happy, maybe even that that could have a huge effect of the curse. Basically what I'm saying is that the relationship stuff isn't just fluff to make people gush over these characters and make cute slash names. The shipping is a major aspect of the show, and the decisions they make have an impact far greater than just who kisses who and if they like it.

I really loved how we finally saw Ruby in Fairy Tale Land. I hope we get the Little Red Ridinghood story soon, but I'm thinking they are holding that off because they don't want to reveal who the Big Bad Wolf is yet. My money is still on Dr. Whale. However that would be a strange name to give him. We know that names do relate to characters on the show, and Whale and Wolf are not related other than being animals that start with a W.

I think my favorite part was when we are introduced to a dwarf named "Stealthy". I haven't seen the Disney version of Snow White in a long time, but since I don't recall a Stealthy I think we all knew right away that this guy had sung his last verse of "Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho". Indeed he does die, but Snow manages to save Grumpy's life. Like usual, the story in Storybrooke and Fairy Tale Land were related, but I loved how they had very different endings. In Storybrooke David and Mary both have feelings for each other, but are trying to keep their distance until the very end. Meanwhile in Fairy Tale Land they both love each other and are trying to find one another, until the very end when she tells him she doesn't love him and then drinks the forgetfulness potion.

Since last week we saw the Queen watching her with the Dwarfs we know that the end of this episode is happening around the same time as the Hansel and Gretel events. The Queen wasn't featured at all in this new episode and I did miss her, she's so delightfully evil. We did get Rumpelstiltskin though! He trades her the forgetfulness potion for a lock of her hair. Have we seen this hair used yet? If we have I forgot about it, but it seemed quite important that he has it. While Snow desperately wanted the potion you would think that she would be more worrisome about giving a powerful magical creature a lock of her hair.

The other story in this episode was of the Stranger. I was quite surprised that Regina didn't know who he was, and she seems legitimately worried about who he is. He reveals that he's a writer, and while he says he's never been there before he talks about how there are a lot of stories in Storybrooke, or something to that effect. I heard an amazing theory that he's the guy who wrote the Fairy Tale book that Henry has. I don't know what that would mean for the series, but that book has to come from someplace. Since Emma was able to escape into the real world before the curse maybe others were able to, and this Stranger is one of them. The fact that he won't tell anyone his name is very interesting, and I really hope it's more than just keeping a vital piece of information from us.

Once again I thoroughly enjoyed the episode, and I hope it keeps it up!

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