January 4, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge - Day 3

A Film You Watch to Feel Good -- Jurassic Park

I have loved this movie since I first watched it. If that wasn't obvious from the podcast episode I did then you weren't paying attention. The movie is so inspiring in many different ways. It promotes following our dreams, but also cautions us to look before we leap. It shows us dinosaurs through the eyes of a child filled with wonder, the eyes of a scientist filled with intrigue, and the eyes of everyone else filled with terror. 

John Williams' score in this film is beautiful, and I do think it's his finest work. I listen to the soundtrack often and like all great soundtracks it has the power to bring you back to the emotions you feel during the movie. 

The final scene of film always makes me feel good. As Sam Neil looks out the window of the helicopter he sees a flock of birds, and smiles. Personally, I like to think in that moment he realizes that we can see dinosaurs every day, all over the world. Grant believes(and it's now scientifically accepted) that dinosaurs evolved into birds. When we see a bird, we are seeing a direct decedent of a dinosaur. It's a wonderful thought isn't it? 

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