August 12, 2011

Torchwood Episode 4x06 Review

Episode Title: The Middle Men
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A-

Another very good episode. This week was different from the past few episodes since this one was very self-contained. It's not a stand alone episode to be sure, but very little outside of the simple continuation from last week occurred. Personally, I think that was a smart decision. Last week was a very heavy episode in terms of information, and character loss with the very gruesome death of Dr. Juarez. This week, as I said we get a much simpler, but equally exciting episode.

There was one huge information packed scene, and while I enjoyed the info, I wish it could have been delivered in a less expository way. I'll be getting to that a little later though since the majority of the episode was about our two teams trying to get out of the camps, and expose them for what they really are. One fascinating bit that keeps cropping up is the idea that these people "are just following orders". That phrase always brings Nazi Germany to mind, and I'm impressed that the show didn't go out of their way to say that. It's obvious, and doesn't need to be verbalized. With that said, the governments of the World ARE supporting this measure. Maloney himself says Congress approved it. That doesn't absolve him, or anyone else, but it adds another wrinkle. These are not just evil death camps being run by an evil corporation, or out of control dictator. These are death camps that have been approved by governments in nations that we like to think are to superior for that, and I love the fact that Torchwood is quietly saying that no nation is above this kind of action in times of crisis.

The information section of the episode is in a very nice restaurant between Captain Jack, and Stewart Owens. Owens is the Chief Operating Officer of PhiCorp, and according to Jack, should know a lot about the Miracle including how to stop it. However, he tells him that he's just a middle man and that the "conspiracy" is just the system being played. PhiCorp is not controlling the Miracle, they are only profiting from it. Jack remarks that he found something that suggest the Miracle is about geography, and Owens counters with a new word. "The Blessing". He says months ago there was a secret memo that stated "They have found the blessing."

I obviously have no idea what this means, but it's intriguing. Since the beginning, I've been hoping there is something much bigger, much more complicated, and much more interesting behind everything than a greedy pharmaceutical company.  I don't know how this would play with the new American-centric Torchwood but I'm hoping it's some great Doctor Who style alien conspiracy. For a bit I did think it was the Daleks since Davies LOVES the Daleks. But since there will be no Doctor, you really don't want the Daleks. Here's hoping it's something for amazing, I can't even imagine it, like THE MASTER(just kidding).

As I said though, the main focus of the is about the two teams trying to expose the camps. In America, Esther and Rex work together to uncover, first who killed Dr. Juarez, and then escape. Director Maloney has an exciting episode. First, he declares a lock down, then he orders his underling to stash Vera's car at a mall. It was clear last week that the guard was not cool with all this behavior, and he's even more so when he learns the truth about the Modules. When Maloney finds out about Rex he goes to meet with him, watches the VERY incriminating evidence he's collected, and then proceeded to stab him with his pen. I guess he was upset about it, but it would have taken about 10 years to kill him like that. His head was against a pole, smash it repeatedly and he'll be out like a light. Stabbing him lighting in the wound will not kill him, it will only cause him intense pain.

Esther then shows up, and Maloney and her battle. She thinks she's won, but then is fooled  he's about to strangle her to death when she's saved by the very same guard. Maloney forgot the most important part of a cover-up. "Don't leave the guy who is freaking out alone". He should have had him arrested or something. Esther and Rex then share a very nice scene where she is once again questioning her abilities(even though she took down a guy twice her size), and Rex tells her that he needs her in this fight. Another thing I should mention is that for the first time Rex identified himself as a member of Torchwood. Very cool!

In the U.K., Gwen and Reese are still trying to get her father out. After striking out with a Dr. Patel, Gwen decides they need to sneak him out. Reese shows up just in time with a truck, and he loads her father in and takes off. Gwen meanwhile contacts Jack, and lets him record her blowing something up. I imagine it's a part of the Camp, but those buildings were far to large to be the Modules. I've been wrong before though, just check out my Eureka review.

Back in America the news about the camps is all over the place, but as Rex states, they are not shutting the Camps down, they are simply discussing it. At the airport, Gwen can't contact Reese. She then gets a call that tells her to put in her special contact lenses. Some mysterious baddie informs her they have kidnapped her family. Now, I might be wrong, but didn't the text say "We have your mother".  What mother? What happened to her father? I was simply confused by that. She of course freaks out, and wants to know what they want. What they want is JACK! In their defense, everyone wants Jack, but I think it's for much more sinister reasons.

Things are definitely picking up, and I think next week will all about this secret message and trying to save her family. 

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