August 29, 2011

Eureka Episode 4x18 Review

Episode Title: This One Time at Space Camp...
Episode Rating: B+
Overall Season Rating: B

Firstly, this will be a very brief review. I've been feeling pretty under the weather lately, and it's tough to write review with a fever. Not complaining, I'll be fine in a couple days, but priorities people.

The last review I wrote for Eureka was positive, but I had a few issues with the way the relationships were being handled. It seemed like every week each of the several couples would get into a fight, and during the course of the episode would patch things up and be hugging by the end. I like the characters and wasn't against seeing them get together, but I long for the days when something crazy would happen and there wasn't all this shipper stuff.

This week, they did step away from that. None of the relationships started off negatively in the episode, and there was not making up at the end. Hopefully this trend will continue as I thought this was a relatively strong episode and allowed us to learn even more about these characters that we've known for four years. When I first saw that the "gimmick" of the episode would have to do with Jack's memories I was worried it would be a clip show. I'm so happy I was wrong!

I loved the way that they showed us the new info about the characters. Seeing Fargo's Galaxy Camp days was so great. However, I'm with Holly. I personally went to Space Camp, and that is the REAL ONE. OH, and I have to mention the glorious Aaron Douglas! So, in one episode of Eureka the guest stars were Wil Wheaton, Felica Day, and Aaron Douglas. Is this an episode of Eureka, or the line up of SDCC?

I thought it was also a good idea that the story with the supervisor(sorry I forget his name, fever remember?) was more the B story this week. I LOVED "What did you expect, the Spanish Inquisition?" but I really think Jack needed to say "No one excepts the Spanish Inquisition" and then does his little smile. I was a little disappointed that all the memories seemed to come from this season. Why leave out all the great Jack/Allison moments from before that?

Overall a very good episode, next week looks like the Astraeus Mission is already happening. I was thinking that would be the story for next season. I hope they don't go through it too quickly. There has been so much build up to it, I was expecting it to be somewhat important.

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