August 8, 2011

Breaking Bad 4x04 Review

Episode Title: Bullet Points
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A-

Sorry for the late review, but I simply wasn't able to get it done last night. This also is a new style review I'm trying out. This episode is an improvement from last week, but Skylar being involved remains a crutch. The absolute best moments of the episode were Walt and Hank talking, and Mike's run in with Jesse. I found myself bored with Skylar working out a whole story for Hank, and then forces Walt to go over it with her. I'm not sure where that story is going, but she simply seems in the way. The don't care about them owning the car wash, or how careful they have to be around Hank. With the latter, I mainly don't care because I've seen Walt do it brilliantly for 3 seasons. Skylar's little plan will be pointless if Hank ever discovers the truth. With that said, I did love her line to Walt, "maybe lying doesn't come as easy to me as it does to you". BURN.

I was so happy when the episode turned away from that and back to what I love about the show. Which is Watching Walt's reaction as the world begins to collapse around him. The scene with Hank and Walt discussing Gale was so frakking amazing! Am I the only one who got the feeling that Hank kind of suspects Walt? The way he was talking, and when the whole "W.W." comment. Maybe I just was looking to hard for it, but when Hank says "Walter White", he's not joking. In his eyes I saw two things. Suspicion, and respect. I've always thought that when Hank does find out he'll be angry, and such, but he also will respect Walt more than I think he could imagine.

Then after Hank reveals they may have some evidence about the shooter, Walt runs off to warn Jesse. He sees the shape he's in. I loved this scene too. These two have shared so few scenes this season, and I miss it. The chemistry between them is so amazing, and you can see they love playing off each other for intensity. Jesse does make a good point though. If they even suspected he was involved, then Hank would he the first to put the cuffs on him. After getting thrown out Walt goes to see Saul. Saul agrees with Jesse, and then we have another brilliant moment.

Walt still is not a fan of the car wash idea, and I know how be feels. I actually think Skylar has done an amazing job with the Car Wash, and think it's a fine cover, I just am sick of the story line.  I loved watched Walt just vent to Saul. So much has been building up, and I love how his reaction is just to be pissed off at everyone. Saul then tells him he can get someone to help Walt "disappear". Walt seemed quite intrigued by this idea.

Jesse keeps on sliding downhill. In this episode we see him not seem to care that thousands of dollars are stolen, and he doesn't really care when Mike comes over with a half beaten man. Jesse simply states that he knows Mike isn't going to kill that guy, if he were he wouldn't have put a blindfold on him. Then at the end of the episode, he also seems to not care that Mike is driving him somewhere unknown after telling Gus that something must be done. I can't imagine they would kill Jesse since they know how Walt would react, plus Mike wouldn't be taking him on a joy ride. I'm very interested to find out how this turns out.

I really hope the series is back to what works. For me, that always has been the interaction between Jesse and Walt, and how everything they do falls apart. Skylar can do her thing, but she has got to stay out of the drug stuff in my opinion.

Anyway, I hope this semi-new format works. If anyone really liked the episode recaps definitely let me know. The main reason I'm phasing them out is that I spent all my time recapping, and then any extra thoughts I had just made the reviews seem long. But yeah, let me know in the comments.  

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