May 18, 2011

Top 10 Favorite TV Shows of All-Time

We've added some things to the blog. The coolest is the new header. I love that image so much, and perfect explains what the new podcast will be about. We've also added a list of Josh's favorite TV shows of all time.

Do you agree? Disagree? Hate the ground we walk on? Feel strongly enough I encourage you to post. This will be one of the things we'll be discussing in the first show.

We will be recording the show on Monday, May 23rd! Right now it's scheduled for 6:00 PM ET. Mainly because later that night is the House season finale!

Hope to see some people there, but the best thing you can do is tell your friends about the show. On iTunes we still are Lost Flashbacks, but that should change soon.


  1. Putting forward a vote for hating the ground you walk on.

  2. It's a decent enough list, I see you added a few since episode 75.
    If I had to make a list, it would probably look like this:

    10) Justified
    9) Fringe
    8) Twin Peaks
    7) Lost
    6) The Wire
    5) Mad Men
    4) Parks and Recreation
    3) Breaking Bad
    2) Arrested Development
    1) Deadwood

    With honourable mentions to Battlestar Galactica, Community, The X-Files, Angel, Archer, half of The Simpsons (more like a third now), Seinfeld, a bunch of UK shows that I don't think have aired in the US and hopefully Game of Thrones will be on there soon enough.

    Also, it was a good move on your part to change the name of the podcast - I saw that it had changed in my iTunes and had to investigate, and thus I will try to make the live show (is it still on talkshoe? Will you be joined by a co-host? More mysteries than Lost here!)

  3. All questions will be answered. :)

    Twin Peaks would be #11 on that list. I really wanted to put it on, but you know how it goes.
