January 31, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 30

Favorite Film This Time Last Year -- The Social Network

This film written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher tells the story of the creation of one of the most powerful internet companies in history. I'm posting in that site right now in fact. Taking information from public statements, and court hearing transcripts they create a story about friendship, betrayal, greed, and genius.

 I've heard this film called a modern Citizen Kane, and I really think that's pretty much right. As we're told at the end of the film, 85% of testimony is exaggeration and 15% is perjury. Meaning, the movie we just watched was mostly exaggeration of real events, or simply a lie. The power of this film will only grow as the power of Facebook grows. This was my pick for last years' Academy Awards and while it's hard to say it got "robbed", I do this it deserved to win more than any other picture.

January 30, 2012

Alcatraz 1x04 Review

Cal Sweeney

Cal Sweeney is a bank robber who only steals from safety deposit boxes, and he doesn't kill people unless it's necessary. Or at least that's the profile we get from Diego about him. The episode and his actions are a little different than that. This episode is my least favorite so far. I was not very interested in Cal Sweeney, and I'm starting to worry that each bad guy will have something dark and sad in their past that will try and make us understand why they turned to crime. Last week I said that they weren't trying to make us feel terribly sympathetic towards them, and I think that's still true, but I'm not sure of the message when Tiller acts like such an ass to all of them. Are we supposed to despise Tiller? Are we supposed to view the prisoners are victims? Sure it's not right to treat them badly, but come on, these are very bad guys and just because Tiller teases them is not enough for me to hate him, and like them. 

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 29

Favorite Film as a Kid -- The Land Before Time

In 1988 Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Don Bluth teamed up to bring a movie about a group of young orphaned dinosaurs who are trying to reach one of the last remaining safe places, called The Great Valley.  Their journey is dangerous, and difficult but they are able to come together as friends even though they are all different species. It's a story about friendship, and being able to accomplish anything if you work together.

It also has one of the saddest scenes in movie history.

January 29, 2012

Once Upon a Time 1x11 Review

Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

This week on Once Upon a Time we learn more about the Evil Queen and the events leading up to the death of Snow White's father(played brilliantly by Richard Schiff). The episode though is the back story and origin of the Magic Mirror. In a pretty surprising revelation it turns out that the Mirror was originally the Genie of the Lamp, and fell in love with the Queen. Like every episode featuring part of the Queen's back story I was wondering if we would learn what Snow did to her to make her hate her so much. We did not learn that, and I am happy about that. This is a mystery that they are dragging out, and in a brilliant way it makes the actual reveals in the episodes more enjoyable.  

Like most episodes the events of Storybrooke and those in Fairy Tale land are about the same characters, but appear to be in opposition to each other. Last week Mary and David found each other and decided to begin a relationship whereas Snow and Charming split up, and Snow wiped him from her memory. That trend continues, or at least appears to in this episode. 

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 28

Favorite Obscure Film - Primer

This film was made for only $7,000 and it really shows the kind of brilliance that can be achieved on a microscopic budget. It tells the story of two friends who, very much by mistake, discover a very simply form of time travel. It doesn't woosh them away to 1955, or the time of the Eloi, nothing that far-fetched. Their method only allows for a few minutes or hours, but knowledge of the future, even if it is only minutes is more than enough to feel ultimate power. To know exactly where people will be, who they will be with, what they will be saying etc, makes you the most powerful person on Earth.

What would you do with that power? What would you do to stay a step ahead? How many times would you try and get events to work out for you? Primer asks these questions and more. Multiple viewings are required for this movie for even a rudimentary understanding of the plot, and what the hell happened. I've seen it many times, and I'm still not 100% sure what everything means, and who is where when.

See this movie. You will never forget it.

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 27

Favorite Independent Film -- Memento

It was this film, released in 2000, in which we all were introduced to Christopher and Jonathan Nolan. It tells the story of a man who is hunting down his wife's killer. Crooked cops, and drug dealers are involved and of course there's a woman. On the surface it sounds like your average film. There's a catch though. He can't make new memories since the night of his wife's death.

What this does is it turns this revenge story into something more. It's about what memory really is, and how much of who we are is based on what we tell ourselves. If you were to forget horrible and painful things that you've done, would you still feel guilty about them? If all you know about yourself, the only thing that defines who you are is that of a widowed husband seeking vengeance, would you be able to go on if that vengeance ever was completed?

The film is also shown in reverse order to try and show us just a little of what it's like to not have any short term memory. We see him doing things, but we don't know why. We see him talking to, and about people we have not met yet. He uses pictures to tell himself which car is his, and the names of people he knows. He uses tattoos to keep much more important information. But just because it's written down doesn't mean it's true.

January 27, 2012

Fringe 4x10 Review

Forced Perspective

This week on Fringe we get a break from the epic season arc and go back to a procedural episode about a Fringe event. It was very season one, and I for one enjoyed it. We meet Emily, a girl who can see how people are going to die. I liked a lot that it was done differently from the X-Files episode called "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose". In that episode, Clyde Bruckman is a psychic you sees how people will die, but really does nothing to stop it. In this episode, Emily believes she can't stop it anyway, but still wants to let them know in the hopes that these people will use their final moments to say goodbye to their loved ones. It's a nice idea, but handing someone a picture, and then running away is still a little cryptic. She gets an A for effort.

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 26

Favorite Foreign Language Film -- Downfall

This film is about the last days of the Third Reich, and it's just an incredible telling of these events. These are some of the most evil people to ever exist, and you actually feel pity for them at times. You understand the fear, and horror of the coming Allied Invasion of Berlin. You understand the sadness and denial of the collapse of what they believed was the "Master Race". Bruno Ganz plays Adolf Hilter perfectly. Both making clear why a whole nation was swept up by him and his charisma, and also showing his insanity that only those closest to him knew about.

The scene in the bunker where he screams about how his generals about all cowards and have let him down has become one of the internet's most popular memes, but the actual scene is just mesmerizing.

If you have any interest at all in World War Two see this film. It's one of the best.

January 26, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 25

Favorite Documentary Film -- Roger and Me

Long before Michael Moore became famous for making films that took shots at major issues like, Health Care, Gun Control, and Government Based Fear he made a film that was very close to him personally. Roger & Me explores what happened to his home town of Flint, Michigan after General Motors closed the factory there. 

He certainly goes in with an agenda, but it's more about why America as a whole is doing this to workers, and why it seems that so few people care. The closing of the plant literally destroyed his home town, and we see first hand what happens when the company leaves a company town. 

The title of film refers to GM CEO Roger Smith, and Moore's journey to find him, and question him about the closings, and what that has done to his town, and many others around the nation. Looking at the state of the economy, and the nation today in 2012, we certainly can say that Mr. Moore was very forward looking, and had stumbled on to something that would not become a major issue until years later. 

Michael Moore has made a lot of important, and controversial films. This is this finest in my opinion because his point is simple, and personal. This is not simply a "cause" for him, this is the cause that defines him. 

Episode 18 - Star Trek III: Looking for Vulcans

Hey everyone!

Here's the newest episode of The Flashbacks Podcast. I discuss the third Star Trek movie, and play some of my favorite clips. The new and improved audio quality makes these episodes so much better to listen to, and much more fun for me to do!

I also announce that there will be a future contest! But there is a special aspect of it that you all need to know about.  So listen to the show to find out!

Download the episode via iTunes, or just listen via the link below.

January 25, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 24

Favorite Animated/Children's Film -- The Lion King

In my opinion, this is the best of the pre-Pixar Disney films. The cast of absolutely unbelievable, James Earl Jones, Jeremy Irons, Nathan Lane, Mathew Broderick, Rowan Atkinson, Whoopi Goldberg, and of course the young Jonathon Taylor Thomas. They voice some of the most complex animated characters ever as we watch Disney tell a story that's very similar to Hamlet.

The soundtrack, and score still are among my favorites, and probably was one of the reasons I started liking soundtracks early on.

There are sequels that never saw, but that's okay. I think this film tells the story we needed to see, and the end comes full circle. Just as we were told it would in the beginning.

January 24, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 23

Favorite Thriller/Mystery -- Rear Window

This, in my opinion, is Hitchcock's masterpiece. Staring Jimmy Stewart, Grace Kelly and Raymond Burr it tells the story of a murder, and the man who thinks he witnessed it. The voyeuristic nature of the film taps into something inside all of us, and the mystery grabs us from the very beginning.

This film is why Hitchcock was a true genius. He tells this story flawlessly, while we almost never leave the confines of this small New York apartment. As the mystery builds and more and more questions arise more people become obsessed with finding the answers. The true brilliance here is that we are watching the events unfold as if we are in that apartment. There is no piece of information that these characters know, that we don't learn at the same moment.  This makes us feel the tension even more because we truly feel like the movie is happening outside the window, and if the people in the apartment are discovered we will be too.

It's pure genius, using the voyeuristic nature of film to turn the fear and tension back around on us. There will never be anyone like Hitchcock again.  

Once Upon a Time 1x10 Review

7:15 A.M. 

In this episode we are told more about Snow White and Prince Charming. We also see how she eventually meets up with the seven dwarfs. I liked the episode a lot, and I'm actually really shocked how much I care about the relationships on the show. I normally don't care about shipping, or who likes who but OUAT really does that aspect well. I think the difference is we don't have to sit through years of "will they or won't they" tension, and we know that there won't be those annoying and predictable love triangles.

We know this because everything that happens in Storybrooke is some how related to what happened or happens in Fairy Tale land. So we know that Mary and David will get together, and that when they do it will be important. We know that Regina is not butting in just to be annoying, we know that as the Evil Queen she both doesn't want them to be happy, maybe even that that could have a huge effect of the curse. Basically what I'm saying is that the relationship stuff isn't just fluff to make people gush over these characters and make cute slash names. The shipping is a major aspect of the show, and the decisions they make have an impact far greater than just who kisses who and if they like it.

January 23, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 22

Favorite Horror Movie -- The Exorcist

This movie is friggin terrifying! It's a classic too!

I've seen this movie many times, and I always jump at the same moments, still get freaked out at the same moments, and of course still get sick at the same moments. Even if Linda Blair never made another movie after this she would still be remembered forever for this role that defined an entire genre of horror. With all the recent exorcist type movies coming out, I often go back and watch this one to see that once, a long time ago, they actually made a brilliant film about the topic.

If you haven't seen it...find someone to watch it with, keep the lights on, and watch it!

Alcatraz 1x03 Review

Kit Nelson

The third episode of Alcatraz picks right up with the action without skipping a beat. We have a new prisoner to track down, and equally scary to last week's sniper, Kit Nelson.

In this episode we also learn a good amount about Diego. I again loved the way his character is portrayed. He's the regular guy of the group, but he's also a genius when it comes to Alcatraz and his presence is sorely needed. Both Rebecca and Hauser agree that he is needed on this team. The scene where Hauser reveals he called off the Amber Alert was hard to watch. Here's a man who would sacrifice a child in order to keep this secret. There are people who are wondering if Hauser is a good guy or a bad guy, but I don't think that's the right question.

January 22, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 21

Favorite Scifi/Fantasy Movie -- Back to the Future

I do love this film, and the entire trilogy. When I was young BTTF 2 was my favorite, and I kind of dismissed BTTF 3 as a huge fall off in quality and story. Wow, was I an dumb little kid. 

They all are truly amazing for different reasons, but at the same time they all hold the same basic messages. Simple things like friendship and loyalty, and complex scifi things like time is a thing not to be messed with. 

Fringe 4x09 Review

The Enemy of My Enemy

Sorry for the delay in this review, but I haven't been home in a couple days so I haven't been able to update the blog.

This episode is now my favorite of season 4. I think it had everything we love about Fringe and some of the most moving scenes of the entire series. We get a lot of Jones, and I loved every moment of his screen time. The interrogation scene was simply incredible. First he's speaking with Alter-Broyles and since we know they are working together there was a whole other level to their discussion. I'm still not sure if Alter-Broyles is a shapeshifter, or just a traitor to Fringe Division.

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 20

Favorite Romantic Film -- The American President

Directed by Rob Reiner and written by Aaron Sorkin, this Romantic-Comedy tells the story of a President who falls in love a lobbyist.  If that sounds like a controversial idea, then you are thinking along the same lines as all the characters in this movie.  But love does conquer all, and the movie shows us why President Andrew Shephard would be better than any President we've ever had.

The movie has an all-star cast including Michael Douglas, Annette Bening, Richard Dreyfuss, Michael J. Fox and Martin Sheen. A couple cool things about this movie is that is actually has two spinoff TV shows.  Michael J. Fox's character is basically the same one he would play in Spin City for years, and while Martin Sheen's character is different from his future President Bartlett from The West Wing, that show clearly is a spin-off of this movie due to Sorkin's writing

January 20, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 19

Favorite Action Film -- Raiders of the Lost Ark

I love this film so frigging much. Long before George Lucas lost his edge and became a shell of himself, he and Steven Spielberg created this classic. It was both a homage to the serials the two filmmakers enjoyed and a spoof of action movies of similar style. In doing so they created one of the greatest, if not the greatest Action-Adventure film ever. 

It would spawn 3 sequels(only two of which I officially recognize), a TV show and multiple video games.  

Also, the score is amazing. 

January 19, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 18

Favorite Comedy -- Monty Python and the Holy Grail

I love this movie so much. I can watch it hundreds of times and still laugh hysterically at the same scenes. There are far too many things to list here. 

I think Life of Brian is the better movie, but this one is by far the funniest.  It's also the most quotable of their movies. 

January 18, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 17

Favorite Drama Film -- Apollo 13

I already commented about how much I love this movie back on day one. Since it's my favorite movie overall it was really the only true option for my favorite drama movie.

Episode 17 - 1st Annual Flashy Awards!

Here is the newest episode from the podcast. Check out the upgraded audio quality!!!

Listen here, or DL from iTunes.

What do you guys think about my selections?

January 17, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 16

A Film That You Used to Love but Now HATE -- Independence Day

So, when this movie first came out back in the 90s I was in love with it. It was one of the coolest things I had ever seen. Now though I see it as a crapfest of nonsense plots, horrible acting, and moments that make so little sense that it hurts my brain to try to think about them. 

The stuff with uploading a virus from a laptop to a super advanced alien ship using AOL is the dumbest thing ever. I don't care if he's the best hacker on Earth, that makes no sense at all. The special effects that looked so great in 1996 now look really really bad. The scene of the dog jumping into the closet looks like a little kid made it on their computer using nothing but photoshop. 

January 16, 2012

Alcatraz 1x01/02 Review

Pilot/Ernest Cobb

This review will cover both the episodes even though they are two separate stories. There will be spoilers.

Alcatraz has been the much hyped new FOX show from J.J. Abrams staring LOST Alum Jorge Garcia, and a favorite of mine Sam Neil. The other lead is Sarah Jones, people may know her from Sons of Anarchy. Since I've never seen that show I have no idea if her role was big, or memorable. Jones plays SF Detective Rebecca Madsen, and she quickly gets pulled into the craziness of the premise.

Basically, in case you weren't paying attention, or want to know and don't care about being spoiled here's the main idea. Back in 1963 all prisoners and guards mysteriously vanished and were never seen nor heard of again...until NOW. They are appearing one by one, and causing havoc. There seems to be something behind not only their disappearance, but also their reappearance. Both Cobb, and Sylvane seemed to know exactly where to go, and what to do once they arrived and neither one seemed freaked out about being thrown almost 50 years into the future. It's almost as if they have been prepared for this. Obviously more is going on, and I'm very interested to see where it goes.

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 15

A Film That Depicts Your Life -- Free Enterprise

Okay, this choice isn't perfect but it's the best I could do. This is a pretty good, and very silly movie about two huge Star Trek fans. They are lost in their lives, and don't know what they want. then one day they meet their idol William Shatner himself, and he helps both of them find themselves. He helps mainly by showing them that he's not Captain Kirk, but that he's just a strange actor. His idea for a musical version of Julius Caesar in which he plays all the parts is a good example of this. 

I have never met William Shatner, but I definitely know what it's like to be a huge Star Trek fan...so that's something. 

I promise tomorrow's will be a more correct selection. 

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 14

A Film No One Expected You To Like -- The Muppets

I really loved this film completely. It's not exactly the type of movie I wouldn't like, but I never thought I would have liked it this much. The songs were amazing, and the rendition of "Rainbow Connection" definitely brought a tear to my eye.

The idea of the film is to never give up on the things you care about, whether that's a TV show, or a person. The things that make you happy, and feel loved are more important than anything.  Even oil money. Imagine that?

Once Upon a Time 1x09 Review

True North

In this episode we meet Hansel and Gretel, or as they are known in Storybrooke Nicholaus and Ava. In Fairy Tale land they lose their father, and then are asked by the Evil Queen to steal a special apple from a blind witch who lives in a candy house in exchange for her helping them to find their father. Turns out of course that she kidnapped him first in a big plan to get the poison apple that has Snow White's name written all over it. Meanwhile in Storybrooke they homeless and Emma sets out to find their father. We meet Mr. K.(Who could he be??), but he can't help her. Mr. Gold though points her in the exact right direction to find the father.

The episode is about daddy issues, and we learn that Emma has serious daddy issues. She always wanted to know her dad, and the fact that he could be Prince Charming I think has her head spinning a little bit. We also learn though that the time she spent in foster care was even worse than we originally thought. We knew this was why she can't make connections easily, but she really made it seem like hell, and I was surprised the episode was so negative toward foster homes in general. She lies to Henry about his father so he thinks he was an awesome firefighter, but really he was probably just some dude.

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 13

A Guilty Pleasure -- Mean Girls

I could watch this film over and over and about 80% of the reason for that is these four ladies. All of them are beautiful, and have brilliant comic timing.  It's sad that Lindsay Lohan has fallen so far that this movie just makes you think of how amazing she once looked, and how much promise there was in her career. Oh well, I think the other three are still sober. Three out of four ain't bad.

The movie was written by SNL alum Tina Fey so she also filled it with her friends. Amu Poehler is amazing in it, and Tim Meadows' character is so great. The fact that he say "ladies" the way the Ladies Man used to makes me smile every time.

Beyond the hot stars, the movie actually has a great message about how stupid and pointless all the stuff in high school really is. The movie pretty much spoofs all high school drama queen movies, and makes you laugh when you remember the people at your actual high school...because we all knew people like Regina George.

Sherlock 2x03 Review

The Reichenbach Fall

So it's been about a day since I watched the Sherlock series 2 finale and I'm finally able to put it into words. This was an episode that showed me why I love Stephen Moffat so much. It was an episode that showed why Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are two of the best actors on television. It was finally an episode that shook me to my very core. Of course it's only a television show, and there are more important things going on in the World. I would be lying though if I didn't say that I felt a combination of sickness and excitement after watching this episode. I'm going to assume if you're reading this that you've seen the episode because I'm going to spoil it very soon. If you haven't seen it yet...see it!! 

The episode continues the series arc of Sherlock becoming more famous, and loved by the media. I loved the bit with the hat, and him asking why it has two fronts. Watson points out that you can go from loved to hated by the media very quickly, and he better watch out. Meanwhile we are treated to an amazing scene with Andrew Scott as Moriarty where he appears to break into the Bank of London, a prison, and the crown jewels all with the click of an iPhone app.  He gets caught, and clearly this was part of his plan. From there things escalate, and we are trying to figure out what Moriarty's plan truly is. 

January 13, 2012

Fringe 4x08 Review

Back to Where You've Never Been

Fringe returned tonight with a bang! This episode was originally planned to be the mid-season finale, and I think I'm not alone in being very thankful that we don't have to wait months to see the next episode.

I might be wrong, but I think this is the first episode this season that is totally main arc based. What I mean is, there is no "Fringe Event" or other investigation that leads them to discover something. This episode is all about Peter trying to contact Walternate, and I like that. I like that there wasn't some other event, or crime going on that made him realize something and decide to try and find him. He's been thinking about this for a while, and since Walter won't help him he goes to the next best option. I think it was a mistake to include Lincoln though. Even if their plan had worked, they still would have used deception, and infiltration to get him there.

Peter should have just planned to cross over alone, and then use his mother the way he did anyway. This episode also answered a question I had had about Blue-Lincoln. When Olivia first meets him there is no recognition, and no familiarity. We still don't know how thing went down on the other side in what would have been the end of season 2 in this new timeline, but since Olivia knew of Red-Lincoln wouldn't there be some kind of a reaction from her when they meet the Lincoln from her universe?

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 12

A Film by Your Least Favorite Director -- The Happening (M. Night Shyamalan)

I'm really not a fan of the "least favorite" categories, but a challenge is a challenge. I certainly could have picked Michael Bay for this category but that wouldn't really be fair. Bay sets out to make insane explosion filled expensive action movies, and he does. Shyamalan sets out to make psychological thrillers, and he fails horribly. His movies have gotten worse and worse every time, and it all came to a head with The Last Airbender. Mr. Shyamalan took an amazing Nickledeon cartoon that was filled with clever dialogue and story and turned it into a depressing(and kinda racist) story. I won't soon forgive him for that. 

Let us also not forget to mention The Village, Lady in the Water, and Signs. Yes, yes I know a lot of people like Signs. Well not me! The movie is actually pretty good until the reveal at the end! Spoilers for the movie but the aliens are killed by a combination of a horrible negative reaction to water, and Joaquin Phoenix's use of a baseball bat. The water thing bothers me quite a bit. Why would an alien race, who reacts to water as if it's sulfuric acid come to Earth without wearing any space suits? Why would be come to a planet where they could be defeated by super soakers, or a slight drizzle.  

So yeah, this wasn't as hard a decision a I thought.  I really don't like M. Night at all. 

January 12, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 11

A Film by Your Favorite Director -- E.T. The Extra Terrestrial (Steven Spielberg)

My favorite director is Steven Spielberg, and there are so many movies I could have chose. Jaws, Close Encounters, Schindler's List, Raiders of the Lost Ark, etc. I think though that E.T. best exemplifies why I like him so much. E.T. is a science fiction film that is different from almost every other of it's kind. There are a lot of alien invasion movies, and a lot government conspiracy movies, but this one is a totally different idea. E.T.'s people are not invading Earth, they are just visiting, and E.T. gets left behind by accident. It's the reverse of a future human mission to another planet perhaps. 

E.T. then meets and becomes friends with young children. Children who are afraid at first, but won't call the police, or want to experiment on him. They like E.T. because he's different, and special and he later in the film he help them deal with the issues going on in their lives that they don't fully understand yet. The ending is different too. E.T. does get to go home, which is happy, but it's not a totally happy ending. Eliot loses his friend, and he has to deal with that. 

E.T. is a film that is about wonder and the innocence of children. The film also doesn't talk down to the audience at all. The story is simple, and the message is clear without having to massage the points again and again. I wish more films were like E.T. Maybe, this would be a better world. 

January 11, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 10

Favorite Film with Your Favorite Actress -- V for Vendetta (Natalie Portman)

I don't really have a favorite actress, but Natalie Portman is definitely a favorite of mine. This is a great film, with a great cast. John Hurt, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Fry, and of course Natalie Portman. The film is based on a graphic novel that I've always wanted to read. Every time I watch it I am moved by the brilliance, and the message.  It's by the Wachowski Brothers and after my utter disappointment in the Matrix sequels this movie totally renewed my faith in them.

I'm sure most people have seen this one, but if you haven't you really need to check it out.

January 10, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 9

Favorite Film with Your Favorite Actor -- Moon (Sam Rockwell)

Moon is a 2009 film from Duncan Jones staring Sam Rockwell, and Kevin Spacey.  Kevin Spacey voices the HAL-like computer in the movie, so Rockwell is mainly alone throughout the film. As I've stated during this meme a few times, I'm a big fan of the space program, and I love Scifi so this film was perfect for that. Without giving too much away, the setting it simple enough. In the future there is a mining operation on the Moon, and it's manned by a single person. Sam Rockwell plays that man, and we get a glimpse of his life in this position before certain strange things start happening.

It's an amazing performance in an amazing film. If you have not seen this film yet, then I highly recommend it.

Sherlock Episode 2.02 Review

The Hounds of Baskerville

The second episode of the second series of BBC's amazing Sherlock was pretty different from the other episodes we've seen. The episode starts where we left off, with Sherlock feeling bored and taking cases off the website. It quickly turns though and we are thrown into what really felt like a Doctor Who episode. There was a mystical aspect to it that I hadn't seen in Sherlock before. In Doctor Who the resolution would probably include aliens or something and not a government conspiracy, but still very Who-like.

I loved that Sherlock puts everything together about the rabbit early on and used that to further his investigation into the "enormous hound". As always we had enough information to figure out a good deal of the answer on our own. Since there is no H.O.U.N.D. project in Liberty, Indiana in real life we couldn't connect all the dots, but that's fine. A memory palace is definitely something I wish I had by the way. The resolution of the story was very interesting I think. Clearly there was not a massive dog running around in this location like a UK version of Big Foot. Once Sherlock said he had seen it it seemed like it might be there, but the fear he felt seemed strange. Sure if I, or most people say a giant dog they would be scared, but I would imagine Sherlock would be more interested that afraid, and surely he wouldn't doubt himself. The scientist at the lab told them that really anything is possible, so he would just list it as a genetically manipulated beast. It was his fear that was the real clue about the truth of the matter.

January 9, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 8

The Film You Quote the Best - Spaceballs

Mel Brooks' Star Wars spoof is one of my alltime favorites, and I can quote it more than any other movie...that I can think of at the moment. One reason I can quote it so well is because it really was my family's movie. Before long car rides my dad would always say "Take only what you need to survive", and "May the Schwartz Be With You" was more known to me than "May the Force Be With You" when I was young.

This isn't my favorite Mel Brooks movie, but it I've seen it so many times, and it is so funny that it definitely holds the distinction of the movie I can quote the best.

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 7

A Film that Reminds You of Your Past -- Can't Hardly Wait

May years ago I developed a HUGE crush on Jennifer Love Hewitt and obsessively watched anything she was in. Can't Hardly Wait is a pretty funny movie about a party the night after high school graduation, and shows how certain people try to move on, or do one last thing before high school is over. It star Jennifer Love Hewitt, Seth Green, Ethan Embry, and Lauren Ambrose.

Whenever I see this movie I'm always reminded of my crush, but also of my times in high school. I'm getting to the age where the nostalgia of high school times is finally starting to set in, and this movie definitely reminds me of those times.

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 6

A Film that Reminds You of Somewhere -- Space Camp

There are some places in this World where we just feel at home. Usually those places are our homes, but it's a wonderful change when those places are somewhere far away from home. I went to Space Camp, or Space Academy since I was a little older, for a few years in a row and it was the best time I ever had at any kind of camp. I met some great friends, and I wish I stayed in touch with them. I have a large interest in astronomy and the space program, and every other person there shared that interest. I remember wishing I could stay there all year round. Who would have imagined that one of my favorite places on Earth would be located in Alabama?

This is not a great movie, but it's certainly a fun movie and it always reminds me of my time at Space Camp. Not simply for the title, but because it was party filmed there, and the love of the space program is evident in the film. Another thing I want to point out is how amazing that cast is!  Check out this film if you can, it's a lot of fun.

January 6, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 5

A Film That Reminds You of Someone -- Star Wars

Growing up I was always more of a Star Trek fan. I liked Star Wars since they are great films, but I never really appreciated them until they were re-released in the late 90s. It was then that I was schooled by a friend. He also taught me to value the old versions, the history, and the epic nature of this saga. Over the next few years we went to the new movies, and I have to say, I learned to love the originals even more.

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 4

A Film You Watch to Feel Down -- Se7en

In this film David Fincher shows us the truly ugly and horrific side of crime. The city in which the events take place is never named, and that was done so it's clear that it could be anywhere. The all-star cast includes Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey, and Gwyneth Paltrow. As we go deeper and deeper in the horror of the crimes committed it becomes clear that this will not end well, or even close to well.

January 4, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge - Day 3

A Film You Watch to Feel Good -- Jurassic Park

I have loved this movie since I first watched it. If that wasn't obvious from the podcast episode I did then you weren't paying attention. The movie is so inspiring in many different ways. It promotes following our dreams, but also cautions us to look before we leap. It shows us dinosaurs through the eyes of a child filled with wonder, the eyes of a scientist filled with intrigue, and the eyes of everyone else filled with terror. 

John Williams' score in this film is beautiful, and I do think it's his finest work. I listen to the soundtrack often and like all great soundtracks it has the power to bring you back to the emotions you feel during the movie. 

January 3, 2012

30 Day Film Challenge -- Day 2

Least Favorite Film

This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. It remains the only movie I've ever walked out on. From changing Mr. Freeze to a roid-raging Austrian, to the introduction of the Batman credit card this movie is just pathetic.

Until the end of time I will thank Christopher Nolan for bringing Batman back to the big screen and NOT having me wish I could erase it from my memory. It's difficult for me to wrap my mind around the fact that both this movie, and The Dark Knight utilize the same universe for story.

January 2, 2012

30 Day TV Challenge -- Day 1

Favorite Film -- Apollo 13

I love this movie so much. It was a huge reason I got so into the space program, and astronomy.  Even though I know it line for line, I still get tense during the tense inducing scenes, and tear up every single time at the end.

Tom Hanks' final words of the film are even more moving now with current state of the American Space Program.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone, and thank you for visiting the site.

There are a couple changes to the original plan that was detailed on the last show, and in the post below. Everything is still happening, but it will be delayed one week. The reason for this is I got a couple e-mails from people who are on vacation and would like to be able to download the old episodes. I've decided that it makes sense that people might have been away and didn't know about the changes so the next episode, and the new edited/better sounding podcast will be put off until next week.

Plan for the feed change to take place on Jan 9. As I said, there should be NO reason to change anything on iTunes, and I certainly will be posting direct links to the shows on this site. However, I will be releasing something of a test podcast before the next show so we know that it all works out.

Thanks again for the feedback, and the continued support.
