Episode Title: What Hides Beneath
Overall Season Rating: B
Episode Rating: B+
Another episode filled with reveals. In this episode we learn a ton about the Skitters, and about Captain Weaver. We've been getting clues that there was more going on with Weaver for a while now, and we got a good amount of those answers tonight. The reveals about the Skitters are both shocking, and mysterious. Falling Skies appears to be taking a page from Lost; answer a question, but ask many more. We also get a little more info about Rick. Last week ended on a great cliffhanger of Rick being super creepy, and seemingly controlled by a Skitter. This week, we learn not only why that might be, but also find it's having a big affect on those around him.
This episode also didn't have any of those scenes that just make me bored. Every conversation, and every scene has a purpose, and is clearly leading some place important. The fact that the new baby wasn't even mentioned makes me think I'm right that it served no purpose other than "hey look, a pregnant woman". I finally learned that the religious girl's name is Lourdes. While that name just makes me roll my eyes, she did actually have a role in this episode that was neither ridiculous, or pointless. As I said, everything is leading to next week, and the season finale. Read more in the episode recap
The episode starts with Weaver having a dream. It's been clear for a few weeks that he's remembering his family from before the attacks. When we finally find out about them, it totally makes sense why this started recently. He's awoken by Tom, who tells him Porter is there to meet with them. We also see that Ben is still exhibiting near super human strength and abilities. From Porter, we find out that the Skitter are pulling back to their structures all over. Tom thinks this might mean they are clearing the field for another offensive strike. Porter informs them that their attack has been moved up, and they will be attacking the structures in four days. He needs them to use explosives to destroy it. They tell him, that they don't know much about demolitions, but Pope does. Porter agrees to allow him to help, but he's not allowed anywhere near the devices.
Weaver then spots a picture that Rick is drawing. Anne asked him to draw for therapeutic reasons, but Weaver seems to recognize one of the pictures. Rick lets him keep it. We find out later that Weaver believes this is his own home, and that the Skitters are getting Rick to draw it to mess with him. I'm not sure I believe that. I definitely think Rick is being controlled in some way, but I think this was just a random row house.
Pope then checks out the Skitter Mech Tech that they have salvaged. Uncle Scott is still working on the radio, and says it could help them. I think we've seen that the Skitter communicate via radio. This will prove important. Pope is very interested in the Tech and gets right to work. Tom tells Matt that he doesn't want him hanging around Pope. Matt's already afraid of him, so it's likely he won't go near him. Or is it? Tom also remarks that Weaver has been looking tired, and that it can cause people to make mistakes. Weaver hears this, and tell them he's out of the mission. We find out that he was a contractor during the war, and that's not the last bit we learn about him.
Ben goes in to see Anne for a check up, and they say that for most of the Harness kids the spikes have been falling off. This is not happening to Ben, and Anne notices something strange. Ben then offers to speak to Rick who has been acting even more strange, and distant. Later I'll get to Anne's discovery, but I thought this scene was done very well. She looked both a little worried, and intrigued by the discovery. Then, another wild reveal. Tom, Hal, and Weaver are checking out the Skitter structure in Boston. It's made out of regular things like steel, concrete, and copper. That means one thing, it will blow up. THEN, we see a new alien! Humanoid Skitters! To me, they looked like the creatures at the end of AI: Artificial Intelligence. Or maybe the tall aliens from Close Encounters. Since both of those are Spielberg movies, that connection would make sense. Very cool reveal.
Tom says that it's possible these are the commanders, and the Skitters they've been fighting are just common troops. He thinks his means they think they've won. Then, we meet Sonya who is played by Blair Brown(Nina Sharp from FRINGE). At first she appears to be a crazy lady living alone down the street from Skitter Central. While Tom and Hal are talking to her they find out that she had been taken to a camp, but released because they didn't need her. According to her anyway. This feels off, but they have to leave when they hear Weaver take off.
Back at the school, Matt does go and talk to Pope. Pope shows him some of the Mech stuff, and tells him they are using our bullets. They are making them stronger, but they are "recycling". Very interesting. Next, we get a scene of Ben and Rick talking. Rick tells him "They love us, they will come for us". Ben screams at him that he hates the Skitters. Then, we get the scene of Lourdes, and Anne dissecting a Skitter so Anne can test out a theory. They discover that Skitter's wear Harnesses. Do the Harness' transform the wearer into the Skitter that we all know? I did NOT see that coming. Very District 9.
Back with the recon team. Tom and Hal track down Weaver to his old home that he spoke about. We find out that he spit up with his wife a year before the attack. When it happened, he came looking for them but couldn't. He couldn't find his wife, but did find his daughter. She had been taken by Skitters and Harnessed. He attempted to remove it, but she died. This is why he started becoming emotional again recently. They brought all those Harness kids back only a few days ago. Weaver looks like he wants to give up, but just then a Mech attacks. Tom won't leave without him, and when Weaver sees a pair of glasses on the floor he picks up a weapon and begins firing. They defeat the Mech, and realize Sonya gave them up. Nooooo! Say it ain't so Nina!.
They go back to Sonya's, and it's confirmed. She's been giving information to the Skitters about people who visit her. In turn they give her food. It's clear she's pretty crazy, and emotionally destroyed. The person getting the info from Sonya was Karen. Hal's old girlfriend. I admit I forgot she existed, but I think that's because Hal flirts with so many girls. Nothing wrong with that, I mean it is the end of the world, and his girlfriend is sleeping with a Skitter every night. With her though, is one of those Humanoid Skitters. Very scary, and very cool.
Back at the school again, Lourdes tells Anne that they need to tell people about their discovery. Anne worries it will cause even more fear of the Harness kids. Which is a good point. We see that even still people look at Ben and Rick in a strange way. They do agree to tell Tom though since she feels she can trust him, and it does concern his son. We find out that the glasses Weaver found belonged to his wife. Since they were not there before, it gives him a small bit of hope that she's still alive. Hope can be a powerful thing. The episode ends with Pope giving a demonstration of his discovery. He shows them first what they all know. That our weapons barely scratch their Mechs. Then he shows them what the Mech bullet can do. Everyone erupts in cheers, and Pope is told to make as many of those as he can. We are going to take the fight to THEM!
Very good episode. Exciting, and huge in terms of the mythology of the show. Next week is the two hour season finale. That means two things, 1)It should be pretty epic, and 2)This review probably will be delayed even more than usual since I watch Breaking Bad at 10. I will try to have it out at a normal hour. Promise.
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