On Jan 1, 2012 The Flashbacks Podcast will be reborn! The podcast itself will sound streets ahead better than it has in the past, and clips will actually sound like I didn't play them while sitting in an Olympic sized swimming pool.
The blog will be reborn as well. Posts will be done often, and by more than just me. So hooray!
Talkshoe will be now more, but don't worry about the feed. The new episodes should be accessible from the exact same feed, but old episodes will not be available on iTunes anymore. They all will remain on the Talkshoe page, and a link can be found on this site. I also will be re-releasing the first 16 Flashbacks Podcast episodes with some edits, alterations so that they will be available on iTunes, and sound almost as good as I intended.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to post a comment here, or e-mail us directly.
December 22, 2011
September 17, 2011
Doctor Who Episode 6x11 Review
Episode Title: The God Complex
Episode Rating: A
Overall Season Rating: A-
Yet another home run for Doctor Who. Last week I talked about how each episode was different, and gave us aspects of Who that we all love. This one keeps that streak going. While it was creepy, I wouldn't say it was scary. Not in the way Night Terrors was anyway. The idea of a hotel filled with rooms of people fears is properly creepy though, and I think it would have been fun to watch this episode in an actual hotel. Try walking the corridors late at night then. Another streak that I noticed however has been broken. For most of Steven Moffat's tenure on Doctor Who we have seen very little death. I'm not a fan of people I like dying in TV shows, but when Russell T. Davies was running things people died all the time. Sometimes a lot of people. Knowing that people could, and probably will die adds real stakes to episodes of the show, and makes us sigh relief when people we genuinely like don't die. Well, this episode fixed that for us.
September 10, 2011
Doctor Who Episode 6x10 Review
Episode Title: The Girl Who Waited
Episode Rating: A
Overall Season Rating: A-
Last week's episode "Night Terrors" was very different from the mid-season premiere episode "Let's Kill Hitler", and this episode was very different from both of those. Which is a good thing. Moffat is keeping the episode style fresh, while staying true to what Doctor Who stands for. In this episode we got even more information about the early days of Amy and Rory's relationship, and as it turns out this show is capable of discussing them and have it be more intelligent than your average teenage drama. There were so many aspects I loved about this episode, and some of them are things that I have not liked recently in Who.
September 3, 2011
Doctor Who Episode 6x09 Review
Episode Title: Night Terrors
Episode Rating: A-
Overall Season Rating: A-
Well sort of review. I love Doctor Who so much I've decided that for the most part this will just be a stream of consciousness. Plus, I got some good feed back on my shorter Eureka review.
Tonight's episode was everything I love about a Doctor Who episode. Recently, I've been getting upset with the show and I'm not entirely sure why. I mean I loved pretty much every episode from the first half of series six, and I was blown away by "Let's Kill Hitler". I think some of it has to do with the three documentaries made by BBC America. If you didn't see these, then you are lucky. They are all about the "Best of" various aspects of Doctor Who but they all only cover the history from when Matt Smith took over. This is ridiculous and the Companion special really soured me on Amy and Rory. I like them both, but all three of Tennant's companions are ahead of both of them in my opinion, and don't even get me started on companions from before the relaunch.
August 30, 2011
Episode 8 will be delayed one week.
Hey folks, episode 8 of The Flashbacks Podcast has been delayed one week due to illness of the podcaster.
That's a very kind way of saying that I feel like crap and the Podcast would be filled with me coughing and sneezing. It was going to be about Doctor Who so that can definitely wait. By next week we would have seen the next new episode.
Sorry folks.
August 29, 2011
Eureka Episode 4x18 Review
Episode Title: This One Time at Space Camp...
Episode Rating: B+
Overall Season Rating: B
Firstly, this will be a very brief review. I've been feeling pretty under the weather lately, and it's tough to write review with a fever. Not complaining, I'll be fine in a couple days, but priorities people.
The last review I wrote for Eureka was positive, but I had a few issues with the way the relationships were being handled. It seemed like every week each of the several couples would get into a fight, and during the course of the episode would patch things up and be hugging by the end. I like the characters and wasn't against seeing them get together, but I long for the days when something crazy would happen and there wasn't all this shipper stuff.
We Apologize For the Lack of Posts
Very sorry there have been no posts for over a week. I got very busy, and then a little sick. I hope to start the posting again tonight with Eureka and Alphas, but both will probably be much more brief.
Sorry again.
Sorry again.
August 18, 2011
Geek Moment of the Day - The Dark Knight Rises(Animated Style)
August 18, 2011.
Okay, this is one of the greatest things I've seen on YouTube. This dude took the teaser trailer for the The Dark Knight Rises and recut it with clips from Batman: The Animated Series. Not only are ALL the clips BRILLIANT and perfectly worked into the audio of the trailer, but this makes me even more excited for the movie. Since it's pretty much consensus that the the animated Batman series is one of the best animated shows of all time, and probably the best super hero based show of all time I love that it works so well with the movie.
Nothing else to say, just watch and adore the brilliance.
Via Youtube. Video created by xNick1718x
August 15, 2011
Alphas 1x06 Review
Episode Title: Bill and Gary's Excellent Adventure
Overall Season Rating: B+
Episode Rating: C+
The title of this episode literally caused me to laugh out loud and say something to the effect of "Genius". Sadly, that was the only part of this episode that I really liked at all. This review will be pretty short since I didn't like the episode much, and honestly even if I did, I don't know what I would say about it. No mention of Red Flag, no new Alpha, and the new information we got about the characters wasn't all that interesting.
Eureka Episode 4x16 Review
Episode Title: Of Mites and Men
Overall Season Rating: B+
Episode Rating: B
Last week we took a break from the Astraeus mission and had an episode all about Beverly and her evil minions trying to steal information from G.D. This week, we are back to the regular craziness of Eureka, but I also think they are moving away from what made the show so much fun in previous seasons. I love how the show is essentially a police procedural that never really seems like a police procedural. Whether that's because every week we are dealing with a new insane problem, or because there never is really any investigating we'll never know. I think we can all agree though that it works very well, and with the news that the show will only have one more season I was feeling somewhat nostalgic during this episode.
The guest stars were the highlight of the episode this week, with both Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day seeming like they've been there the whole time. A couple weeks ago I said that Holly reminds me of a brilliant Phoebe Buffet, and I stick by that. She loves what she does, and remains cheerful even when she has to go to the bathroom, but has to hold it for hours. Dr. Parish on the other hand is indeed the perfect nemesis for Fargo in that he's a genius, but is completely selfish and clearly hates everyone at G.D. With the exception of Holly of course.
Breaking Bad 4x05 Review
Episode Title: Shotgun
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A
FINALLY, far less time is spent talking about the car wash, and Jesse is the focus of the episode. This episode really went back to the things that made the show amazing during the past couple seasons. We have Jesse and Walt doing their thing, and Hank getting ever closer to figuring out his brother-in-law's secret. I loved seeing Jesse and Mike on the road, and was totally surprised about the true reason for the journey. I really think this was one of those moments of the show that will have an impact for a very long time.
There is some talk about the Car Wash, and yes, I was frustrated that they once again are having Skylar be all worried and talk about it like it's the most important moment in human history. You own a car wash, not a nuclear missile silo, calm down. She also knows that Walt has been in some pretty sticky and dangerous situations, he is not going to be phased by a car wash, sorry dear. Walt's "gambling" addiction was mentioned again, and I love that the two other guys in the family think it's cool, and Marie is all protective and worried. Maybe that's a little sexist, but I also think it's true. Hank seems like the kind of guy who would find it pretty bad ass to be a brilliant gambler, and Walt Jr. always has looked up to his dad so it makes sense that he thinks this is cool.
August 14, 2011
Geek Moment of the Day -- Curiosity
August 14, 2011
Curiosity is a new show on the Discovery Channel and it's GREAT! Each week a new host takes us on a journey to answer a question. Last week Stephen Hawking asked "Did God create the Universe?", and this week Michelle Rodriguez(Lost, Avatar) asked "Are we ready for an Alien invasion?". Both episodes are amazing, and they got a wide variety of people to help answer these questions. Included are physicists, engineers, government officials, military officials, doctors, etc. so you know that the information included in the show will be complete.
What I like the most about the show is that every week is not the same. Most shows like this pick a type of topic and go the full series with that. Mega Disasters, or The Universe for example. Next week is hosted by Maggie Gyllenhal, and the question is "Why is sex fun?". If that's not a change of pace then I don't know what is. I'm sure it'll focus on biology, and psychology a lot, but for someone who is interested in science, but is not interested in physics then this change of pace is a great thing.
Tune into this series if you get the chance. New episodes air every Sunday at 8/7c on the Discovery Channel, and then randomly throughout the week. And as they say, check local listings for more.
Curiosity is a new show on the Discovery Channel and it's GREAT! Each week a new host takes us on a journey to answer a question. Last week Stephen Hawking asked "Did God create the Universe?", and this week Michelle Rodriguez(Lost, Avatar) asked "Are we ready for an Alien invasion?". Both episodes are amazing, and they got a wide variety of people to help answer these questions. Included are physicists, engineers, government officials, military officials, doctors, etc. so you know that the information included in the show will be complete.
What I like the most about the show is that every week is not the same. Most shows like this pick a type of topic and go the full series with that. Mega Disasters, or The Universe for example. Next week is hosted by Maggie Gyllenhal, and the question is "Why is sex fun?". If that's not a change of pace then I don't know what is. I'm sure it'll focus on biology, and psychology a lot, but for someone who is interested in science, but is not interested in physics then this change of pace is a great thing.
Tune into this series if you get the chance. New episodes air every Sunday at 8/7c on the Discovery Channel, and then randomly throughout the week. And as they say, check local listings for more.
Falling Skies Season 1 Finale Review
Episode Title: Mutiny/Eight Hours
Overall Season Rating: B
Episode Rating: B+
First, I am aware of how late this review is. I wasn't able to watch it until yesterday, and while that is not very good from a review stand point I hope everyone understands that real life can make it difficult to sit down and watch a two hour show and take notes. Also, for a couple reasons this review will be somewhat brief. It's helpful that the story of the two episodes is pretty simple, and I'll be discussing them as if they were one episode even though they are two separate ones.
On to the review!
While I enjoyed this season finale, and was impressed by some of the things they did I didn't think the cliffhanger was as amazing as advertised. I know I can't blame them for that, but nothing that happened in those last few minutes was all that shocking. Unexpected maybe, but not shocking. I'll get to that a little later, but when it comes to season finales the ending really is important with a show like this, and I'm not sure they delivered. I also think the main story of the 1st half with Weaver being a little nuts was overblown. He went from a decent commander to an obsessive maniac in about a day and a half, and in actuality he wasn't being an obsessive manic. Tom was correct about the 4th and 5th Mass, but no matter how many people you sent on this mission, it was most likely going to be a suicide mission.
August 12, 2011
Geek Moment of the Day -- The Evil of the Daleks!
August 12, 2011
As everyone knows, I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who. I only started watching earlier this year, and fell in love with the new series. When I was done with the new stuff, I decided to go back and watch the old stuff. It's really GREAT! Cheesy yes, bad special effects yes, BUT as an Original Series Star Trek fan I'm the last person who should complain about special effects or camp.
So, why is this the Geek Moment of the Day? Well, earlier tonight I finished Season 4 which ran from 1966-67, and introduced the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton. This episode didn't introduce him, it was the season final, but I really loved this serial. Only one of the 7 episodes are available, but some amazing people have reconstructed the other 6 parts and they are available on Youtube.
What I loved about this serial was it had my favorite aspects of Doctor Who. Great use of time travel, hugely important canon, THE DALEKS, the Doctor being a bit scared and not perfect all the time, great heroics by the Companion, and of course the brilliance of the Doctor being shown in the end. I won't give anything away about it, but I do think this is a serial that would be loved by all fans. The introduction to Troughton is a serial called "The Power of the Daleks" so don't get them confused, but I would suggest watching that one too. This serial also has several key events that while not directly connected to the new series, are clearly inspirations for many things Davies did with the Daleks during his tenure.
Oh, and don't forget...all who deny the DALEKS are SUPREME will be EXTERMINATED!!!
Torchwood Episode 4x06 Review
Episode Title: The Middle Men
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A-
Another very good episode. This week was different from the past few episodes since this one was very self-contained. It's not a stand alone episode to be sure, but very little outside of the simple continuation from last week occurred. Personally, I think that was a smart decision. Last week was a very heavy episode in terms of information, and character loss with the very gruesome death of Dr. Juarez. This week, as I said we get a much simpler, but equally exciting episode.
There was one huge information packed scene, and while I enjoyed the info, I wish it could have been delivered in a less expository way. I'll be getting to that a little later though since the majority of the episode was about our two teams trying to get out of the camps, and expose them for what they really are. One fascinating bit that keeps cropping up is the idea that these people "are just following orders". That phrase always brings Nazi Germany to mind, and I'm impressed that the show didn't go out of their way to say that. It's obvious, and doesn't need to be verbalized. With that said, the governments of the World ARE supporting this measure. Maloney himself says Congress approved it. That doesn't absolve him, or anyone else, but it adds another wrinkle. These are not just evil death camps being run by an evil corporation, or out of control dictator. These are death camps that have been approved by governments in nations that we like to think are to superior for that, and I love the fact that Torchwood is quietly saying that no nation is above this kind of action in times of crisis.
August 11, 2011
Geek Moment of the Day! The Return of Myspace
August 11, 2011
Hey everyone! This is the first geek moment of the day, and I think it's interesting. Do you all remember MySpace? No? Oh. Well, a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away Facebook was only a gleam in the eye of Mark Zuckerberg, and Friendster was kind of a piece of crap. So, Myspace did the job. One of the first big modern social networks it allowed users to create personal profile pages, and add friends and pictures. One thing that was pretty cool about it was you could put music tracks right on your home page, and they would play whenever someone visited it. Yes this became very annoying because some people liked to have friggin loud as hell music blast your ears off. You know who you are! Even Facebook doesn't allow that, or anything close to the personal profile pages Myspace did.
August 10, 2011
New features!
In the coming days I'll be starting two new features here on the site.
As you can see, the site has been almost totally TV and Film reviews. That is not what I planned, and not what I want the site to be solely about. The idea of the Podcast always has been to look back on things and discuss them, but we also had a lot of fun with random rants and rambles. With that in mind, I have decided to bring that to the blog.
The first of the new features will be "Geek Moment of the Day". This will be a daily post about something in the World of Geek that I saw, read, heard about, or simply occurred to me at random. The plan, is for me to then pick a Geek Moment of the Month at the end of each month. Know that your comments will be a huge factor in my decision so feel free to say anything about any of these many moments. Now, what do I do if I can't think of anything? Well, if there is nothing that I can think of, or nothing I would post I simply will skip a day. I feel no moment would be better than a lame one, or worse, a made up one. I'm pretty excited about this since I have many of these moments happen to me, and I love telling people about these so why not you guys too?
The second is a little different. I'm planning on a Rant Post. I haven't yet come up with a super clever heading, so any suggestions will be welcomed. These rants will range from things like, commercials that annoy me, to serious issues of the day. As I stated in one of the very first posts I will keep religion out of these, and I will try to do the same with politics. If a rant is more serious and I fear may offend I will put a disclaimer on. With that said, the serious rants will be few and far between. The rate of these posts will also be a bit random. I think weekly will be a good idea. That leaves a lot of time for me to find something good to rant about, and spreads them out enough so I don't become annoying. I might be annoying anyway so it's good to not be too annoying.
So yeah, I hope these sound cool!
As you can see, the site has been almost totally TV and Film reviews. That is not what I planned, and not what I want the site to be solely about. The idea of the Podcast always has been to look back on things and discuss them, but we also had a lot of fun with random rants and rambles. With that in mind, I have decided to bring that to the blog.
The first of the new features will be "Geek Moment of the Day". This will be a daily post about something in the World of Geek that I saw, read, heard about, or simply occurred to me at random. The plan, is for me to then pick a Geek Moment of the Month at the end of each month. Know that your comments will be a huge factor in my decision so feel free to say anything about any of these many moments. Now, what do I do if I can't think of anything? Well, if there is nothing that I can think of, or nothing I would post I simply will skip a day. I feel no moment would be better than a lame one, or worse, a made up one. I'm pretty excited about this since I have many of these moments happen to me, and I love telling people about these so why not you guys too?
The second is a little different. I'm planning on a Rant Post. I haven't yet come up with a super clever heading, so any suggestions will be welcomed. These rants will range from things like, commercials that annoy me, to serious issues of the day. As I stated in one of the very first posts I will keep religion out of these, and I will try to do the same with politics. If a rant is more serious and I fear may offend I will put a disclaimer on. With that said, the serious rants will be few and far between. The rate of these posts will also be a bit random. I think weekly will be a good idea. That leaves a lot of time for me to find something good to rant about, and spreads them out enough so I don't become annoying. I might be annoying anyway so it's good to not be too annoying.
So yeah, I hope these sound cool!
August 9, 2011
Alphas 1x05 Review
Episode Title: Never Let Me Go
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A-
This week's episode is about love and loss. I think Alphas' greatest strength is that they connect enhanced human powers to emotions better than most shows, or even comic books have done. Sometimes I do get a little tired of all the emo stuff, but it is done well. Rachel has issues with her parents, Hicks has confidence issues, Gary can be a little selfish, and Nina has a past that gives her issues. In my opinion, this makes the show seem more real, which is a good thing but also can hurt it in the future if they keep focusing on it.
This week, we meet an Alpha who has the power to release a chemical called Oxytocin. This is what makes us feel very close attachments to people, and feel "love". The sudden removal of it is also what causes the very real physical pain we feel when we lose someone we love. I checked on Wikipedia and found that not only are they pretty much dead right in the show, the article also says that it makes 100% sense that she would gain this power, or at least become aware of it when Chris was born. During and after childbirth women have larger amounts of this chemical.
August 8, 2011
Eureka Episode 4x15 Review
Episode Title: Omega Girls
Overall Season Rating: B+
Episode Rating: B+
This week we get a conclusion to the Allison story. I want to apologize for my huge error last week. Instead of identifying the Beverly at the end, I said it was Allison. While I think it would have been very cool for the show to include replicants, that was not the case AT ALL. This was pointed out in the comments section. Please do feel free to comment on anything, especially if I'm dead wrong about something.
The main part of this episode was about Beverly trying to steal all of Global Dynamics' secrets. So there is no confusion, I'm going to refer to her as Beverly, even when she's in Allison's body. I loved how Jack figured it out pretty much right away. One conversation and he's like "something ain't right". The show always has done a great job of showing us just how good of a cop Jack really is. He may not be as smart as everyone else, but his instincts are perfect. They quickly identify that Beverly had lied about Allison being in a car accident, and then turn to Zane for help.
Breaking Bad 4x04 Review
Episode Title: Bullet Points
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A-
Sorry for the late review, but I simply wasn't able to get it done last night. This also is a new style review I'm trying out. This episode is an improvement from last week, but Skylar being involved remains a crutch. The absolute best moments of the episode were Walt and Hank talking, and Mike's run in with Jesse. I found myself bored with Skylar working out a whole story for Hank, and then forces Walt to go over it with her. I'm not sure where that story is going, but she simply seems in the way. The don't care about them owning the car wash, or how careful they have to be around Hank. With the latter, I mainly don't care because I've seen Walt do it brilliantly for 3 seasons. Skylar's little plan will be pointless if Hank ever discovers the truth. With that said, I did love her line to Walt, "maybe lying doesn't come as easy to me as it does to you". BURN.
August 7, 2011
Torchwood Episode 4x05 Review
Episode Title: The Categories of Life
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A
Firstly, I want to apologize for there being no review last week. I got pretty busy and actually wasn't able to watch the episode until tonight. This will only be a review of the most recent episode, but I loved Escape to L.A. This show is getting more and more disturbing. Episode 4x05 was no different, and went even more so in that direction. We learn the true lengths to which the governments of the world, and PhiCorp are willing to go. In all honesty there were parts of this episode that were had to watch. I think the most disturbing part is that, while horrible, I can understand why they do what they do. I don't know how I feel about that.
There also is a serious shock value to this episode. Years of watching television have made me think certain events just won't happen. Torchwood is one of the few shows where things like that DO happen. There is nothing most TV viewers like more than to be surprised and Torchwood is giving us that on a weekly basis. This week, more than ever since the beginning the season. Read on for the episode recap
August 6, 2011
Rise of the Planet of the Apes Review
Overall Rating: A
The original Planet of the Apes was released in 1968, and is one of the greatest science fiction movies of all time. It's not simply a movie about apes riding around on horses. It's an allegory for the battle between science and religion, for racism, for the treatment of animals, and for humanity's strange addiction to violence. Planet of the Apes is science fiction at its best, providing us with a mirror with a slightly shifted view. This is why the movie has survived, and become a true classic.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes may not have the same power in its message, but it's a perfect science fiction movie. As a huge fan of the original, I loved all the references, both obvious and subtle. As a movie fan though, I loved the story I was presented with. The genius of this movie exists in that it's both its own movie, separate from the original, and also a perfect prequel. The acting is excellent, the action is suspenseful and exciting, and the special effects are out of this world. I won't be getting into any spoilers for this movie, but I will assume knowledge of the original, and its ending(so if you haven't seen it, and don't want to be spoiled...GO WATCH IT)
August 3, 2011
Episode 6 - Captains, Cowboys and Aliens OH MY!
Check out the new episode of The Flashbacks Podcast.
I talk about the new Captain America movie, the new Cowboys and Aliens movie, and discuss the 1986 SciFi classic, ALIENS.
I talk about the new Captain America movie, the new Cowboys and Aliens movie, and discuss the 1986 SciFi classic, ALIENS.
August 2, 2011
Alphas 1x04 Review
Episode Title: Rosetta
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A-
This week on Alphas we get to explore Gary a lot more. Up until now he's mainly been comic relief. He listens to his signals, tells them what he knows and makes a joke about being annoying. This episode though he finally finds someone like him. I love how it forces him to realize that he can take care of himself, and that he wants to be more independent. I like his character a lot. He complains, but in a different way than the others. He clearly has a mental disorder to go along with his power, where as the others are just mentally unstable at times. At the end of the episode we see a major change in the way he sees himself, and Dr. Rosen. I really hope they build on this, and keep allowing him to expand his role.
The villains this week brings back Red Flag. The evil Alpha organization that tried to kill Rosen in the premiere. We learn a lot more about them, and the show smartly shows us that they aren't just crazy killers. They have something they stand for, and maybe they have a right to be a little upset. They go too far of course, but even Rosen can see their point of view by the end. Got to love a show that shows both point of views, and accepts that the villains' cause isn't one dimensional.
Read on for the episode recap.
August 1, 2011
Eureka Episode 4x14 Review
Episode Title: Up in the Air
Overall Season Rating: B+
Episode Rating B+
This week's episode gives us some more information about what's going on with Allison, and Astreaus Misson. We also get more Wil Wheaton, and more Felicia Day! It's so great that the show took these guest roles and really made them more important, and long lasting. I'm loving Felicia Day's Holly. I like to think of her as a brilliant Phoebe Buffet. As for Wil Wheaton's Dr. Parish, well he's just the right kind of nemesis for Fargo. This also was a hilarious Jack episode. He's always great, but I think I love him the most when he sort of snaps. I'm actually surprised it doesn't happen much more often.
The tech in this episode just makes me smile. We get Anti-Matter, and the Higgs Field! Their explanation of the Higgs Field was wonderful, and I think most quantum physicists would be pleased. Check it all out in the episode recap
Falling Skies 1x08 Review
Episode Title: What Hides Beneath
Overall Season Rating: B
Episode Rating: B+
Another episode filled with reveals. In this episode we learn a ton about the Skitters, and about Captain Weaver. We've been getting clues that there was more going on with Weaver for a while now, and we got a good amount of those answers tonight. The reveals about the Skitters are both shocking, and mysterious. Falling Skies appears to be taking a page from Lost; answer a question, but ask many more. We also get a little more info about Rick. Last week ended on a great cliffhanger of Rick being super creepy, and seemingly controlled by a Skitter. This week, we learn not only why that might be, but also find it's having a big affect on those around him.
This episode also didn't have any of those scenes that just make me bored. Every conversation, and every scene has a purpose, and is clearly leading some place important. The fact that the new baby wasn't even mentioned makes me think I'm right that it served no purpose other than "hey look, a pregnant woman". I finally learned that the religious girl's name is Lourdes. While that name just makes me roll my eyes, she did actually have a role in this episode that was neither ridiculous, or pointless. As I said, everything is leading to next week, and the season finale. Read more in the episode recap
July 31, 2011
Breaking Bad 4x03 Review
Episode Title: Open House
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: B+
This week was an interesting episode. I'm going to call it a "Walter/Jesse Light" episode. The two are not the focus of the story this week, and the two appear only very briefly in a scene together. The episode follows Skylar and Marie mainly this week as each of them deals with their current situations in very different ways. The rating for this week is not due to either of them, but rather Walter. I will get to that later. Marie's story brings back an old idea from season one that allows her to actually do something for once. Skylar on the other hand continues her bad ass attitude from last week, and adds a little more evil genius.
I'm surprised how little actually happened in this episode, and if you're a fan of the arc involving Walter and Gus, we get only small(and understandable) change on that front. This may be shocking to some, but I think this was a very weak episode for Bryan Cranston. There are several scenes where I don't buy his attitude, and feel it's either his acting, or the writing. More specifics later in the episode recap.
Cowboys and Aliens Review
Overall Rating B
I know this movie looks ridiculous, and you may not think it's worth your time. I beg to differ. Let me first, list off some of the people involved in the making of this movie. Jon Favreau, Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard, Alex Kurtzman, Robert Orci, DAMON LINDELOF, Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Sam Rockwell, Olivia Wilde. If at least some of those names don't get you super excited, then you can't call yourself a movie fan, and most definitely not a science fiction fan. This group comes together and creates an exciting, moving, and fun filled SciFi-Western.
The idea of a Western with Science Fiction qualities is not a new idea. Joss Whedon's Firefly showed how well the two genres really go together. What is new in this movie though, is that it's a Science Fiction movie about an alien attack, that just happens to take place in late 1800s America. I won't give it away, but we do learn a lot about the aliens, and why they are interested in Earth. I feel this attack could have happened at anytime in human history, and the filmmakers simply thought it would be cool if it was Alien advanced technology vs. Cowboys on horse back with revolvers. Turned out they were right, it is very cool, and makes for some excellent panoramic shots of the old west.
July 26, 2011
Alphas 1x03 Review
Episode Title: Anger Management
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A-
Alphas is turning out to be a pretty heavy show. So far all three episodes have dealt with much more serious issues than I imagined. These are not fun adventures they go on, these are dangerous missions. Along with the powers, the show also deals with the psyche of the characters. We get deep exploration of the good guys, and the bad. Last week we had a man who had been traumatized by his treatment at the hospital where Rosen sends most of the Alphas he meets. This week, we meet a kid who has to deal with anger and violence following him where ever he goes. He too it seems had a very traumatic past.
I hope the show doesn't shy away from this aspect in later episodes. I think it's a strength, and sets it apart from the many shows about people with powers that have come and gone in recent years. These are not super heroes, or people altered by something crazy. This is a group of regular, and troubled people who have special abilities. I like that so far, none of the abilities are really out of this world. They all pretty much just have enhanced human skills. That makes it very real, and allows us to understand their struggle.
I want to apologize for there being no review last week.
Read on for the episode recap
Weeds Episode 7x05 Review
Episode Title: Fingers Only Meat Banquet
Overall Season Rating: B-
Episode Rating: B
This week we get a much more emotional episode than normal on Weeds. Silas has some very nice things to say about his mom, and with recent events in mind it's a very nice scene. Nancy goes through a rough time, but it does turn out well for her. Andy has a strange episode where he too has a couple important character moments. Doug beings to learn more about his new place of work, and it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. As for Shane, I don't even want to guess what he's doing but as always I'm concerned.
I'm starting to think that the comedy this year has been lessened on purpose. There was only one or two moments that were even jokes. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Weeds always has been a very dark comedy. People have died, and we've watched as Nancy systematically destroyed the lives of everyone she knows. This past week's Breaking Bad had more jokes, and that's a similar show plot wise. I do hope the jokes come back, but I am willing to give the writers the benefit of the doubt. I think they know what they are doing.
I also want to apologize again for no review last week.
Read on for the recap.
July 25, 2011
Eureka Episode 4x13 Review
Episode Title: Glimpse
Overall Season Rating: B+
Episode Rating: B+
This week, we got a look at the real beginning of the arc of the second half of the season. The Astraeus Mission to Titan is both very cool, and sad. It's cool because well, a manned mission to Titan is friggin awesome, but it's also sad because in reality we are no where even close to something like this. The technology in Eureka always has been crazy, and super advanced, but usually it's something fun. The tech used in this episode for example are a pair of super contact lenses that give you a computer read out of security risks. Very cool, but that's Eureka. I know a space mission to Titan is science fiction, and belongs in a show like this, but I find it sad that in reality it many not happen for many decades.
We also get more development with Allison. Last week we saw her kidnapped, and changed in some way. We don't really get more information on that, but it's clear this also is a major issue this season. The relationships on the show also are given a lot of screen time, and I am starting to get a little sick of them. That may sound bad, but every week it's the same story with Jo and Zane. The time line reboot appears to be an annoying way to go back to the beginning with the two, and go through this all again. Finally, we get two amazing new people this week. One of them has to be one of the greatest cameos in TV history. I'll get to that a little later though.
Read on for the episode recap.
Falling Skies 1x07 Review
Episode Title: Sanctuary(Part 2).
Overall Season Rating: B
Episode Rating: B+
It's rare for shows to have two part episodes in the middle of a season like this, and I think it was a cool idea here. Doctor Who does it all the time, so why not Falling Skies. This episode continues to show the improvement of certain characters, but also has several moments that make you scratch your head. I want to point out here, that last week I called Clayton "Clinton" by accident. The fact that no one pointed this out suggest either no one cared, or no one read the blog. Since I know the latter is not the case thank you for understanding a simply mistake.
There are a few surprises in the episode too. One of them is shocking, and really shows what the show is willing to do. This is not a nice happy show where everyone comes home at the end of the day. The other surprise was suspected beforehand, but was revealed in a very creepy way. Read on for the episode recap.
July 24, 2011
Breaking Bad 4x02 Review
Episode Title: Thirty-Eight Snub
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A-
This episode really highlights the two vastly different paths these two men are taking after their most recent ordeal. It's hard to imagine that these are the same two from the first, or even second season of the show. Walt now is a full on mobster wannabe. He talks to men who have done horrible things with true confidence, and power. That is of course until they sock him in the face. Jesse on the other hand, is totally falling apart. He is understandably having trouble with what has happened during the past couple days, and Aaron Paul once again is showing that he'll have another Emmy in his pocket next year. The most interesting aspect of this for me, is that Walt ran two men over, and shot one in the head. He appears to feel nothing about it. Who would have guessed at the beginning of the series that it was Jesse, not Walt who would be emotionally traumatized by their actions. That just proves why this show is the best on television.
Read on for the episode recap.
Torchwood Episode 4x03 Review
Episode Title: Dead of Night
Overall Season Rating: A
Episode Rating: A-
Another wild episode of Torchwood. In this episode we see Oswald Danes show why he's a total psychopath. Also, lots of sex, and finally a villain. The sex part I think was evidence why Fox turned down this show. At first I thought it was because it was about people living after death, and would be pretty gruesome. But honestly, is anything on this show any more gruesome than what is on Fringe, or was on the X-Files? I really do believe the show was too "gay" for them. The Fox Network(Not Fox News), has some pretty wild things on, but this may have gone too far.
With that said, thank God it's on Starz! Starz on the other hand is really showing that they are up to the task. All three episodes have been very well produced, and we know Starz will go all out. Back to the show though. The big villain is finally revealed, but I hope there is more to this story. I suspect there is since it's not like Davies to reveal anything at all this early. We also do get more of a back story for Esther. Not much, but it's good to know they are developing her. I was worried when the show began that she would simply be the computer person, and never get anything interesting. Oswald Danes however, took a big step this week. Last week it seemed like he was becoming more sympathetic, and that continued for a bit in this episode too. That ended though in probably the creepiest performance of Bill Pullman's career. That's saying something too cause he was in a David Lynch movie.
Oh yeah, the little "American" lessons Esther is giving Gwen are hilarious. I imagine it's more for the British audience, but after all the American TV they watch I'm pretty sure they know what we mean by "pants".
Read on for the episode recap.
July 23, 2011
Captain America: The First Avenger Review
Overall Rating: B
Captain America: The First Avenger is the last of the Marvel movies leading up to next years long awaited epic, The Avengers. This movie is a great finale for the Pre-Avengers days, and an even better prequel to The Avengers. While watching Captain America you just want to smile, and love a hero that is simply that, a hero. There are no bells and whistles here. Captain America is basically Marvel's version of Superman. Except he's not an alien who never makes a mistake, and makes you want to gag with his "The More You Know" speeches. Steve Rogers is a regular dude, a regular dude who wants to fight for his country and protect people.
That stuff is not news though, here's the straight review. The acting is pretty good, and the characters were well developed, but what made me really enjoy this movie was how it looked, and sounded. I don't mean the 3D by the way. The 3D wasn't horrible, but it wasn't as good as I've seen recently. What I mean is the colors used, and the brightness of some scenes was so great. There have been a few movies this year that have been pretty dark toned. It was so nice to see a movie that was colorful, and vibrant. The other aspect I loved was the score. Alan Silvestri gives us a great epic theme for our Hero. Along with the score, there were a couple of 40's era musical numbers that made you want to dance right there in the theater. I didn't do this, but I think my foot was tapping.
Captain America: The First Avenger is the last of the Marvel movies leading up to next years long awaited epic, The Avengers. This movie is a great finale for the Pre-Avengers days, and an even better prequel to The Avengers. While watching Captain America you just want to smile, and love a hero that is simply that, a hero. There are no bells and whistles here. Captain America is basically Marvel's version of Superman. Except he's not an alien who never makes a mistake, and makes you want to gag with his "The More You Know" speeches. Steve Rogers is a regular dude, a regular dude who wants to fight for his country and protect people.
That stuff is not news though, here's the straight review. The acting is pretty good, and the characters were well developed, but what made me really enjoy this movie was how it looked, and sounded. I don't mean the 3D by the way. The 3D wasn't horrible, but it wasn't as good as I've seen recently. What I mean is the colors used, and the brightness of some scenes was so great. There have been a few movies this year that have been pretty dark toned. It was so nice to see a movie that was colorful, and vibrant. The other aspect I loved was the score. Alan Silvestri gives us a great epic theme for our Hero. Along with the score, there were a couple of 40's era musical numbers that made you want to dance right there in the theater. I didn't do this, but I think my foot was tapping.
July 21, 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Review
Overall Rating: A-
After delaying almost a whole week, I've finally decided to sit down and write this review. I'm not entirely sure why I kept delaying. I was told it's probably because if I do write this, and post it, then that's the end. Sure, there's Pottermore, and the fandom will go on forever, but we won't be waiting outside a theater together anymore. Plus, the fact that I was physically and emotionally exhausted the days following the movie's release made it difficult to get up the energy to write it.
Know that this review will be filled with spoilers. I'll try to keep the book spoilers to a minimum, but it's impossible to discuss aspects of the movie without talking about the book. If you want to hear a full discussion of the movie and how it compares to the book check out the latest Flashbacks Podcast episode. Available for download NOW!
Accio Review!
July 20, 2011
Episode 5: The Deathly Flashbacks
Hello all.
In this episode we discuss the new Harry Potter movie in depth. It's a great time, with some fun guests.
Listen Here, or DL on itunes.
I plan to have the actual official Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Review up tomorrow. I just have not been able to get myself to do it.
I also apologize for not having the review for Alphas, or Weeds. I may skip a week but I do plan on continuing my review of them. Life intervened on Monday. It happens.
In this episode we discuss the new Harry Potter movie in depth. It's a great time, with some fun guests.
Listen Here, or DL on itunes.
I plan to have the actual official Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Review up tomorrow. I just have not been able to get myself to do it.
I also apologize for not having the review for Alphas, or Weeds. I may skip a week but I do plan on continuing my review of them. Life intervened on Monday. It happens.
July 18, 2011
Eureka Episode 4x12 Review
Episode Title: Reprise
Overall Season Rating: B+
Episode Rating: B+
Another good episode of Eureka. This week we're back to the standard "something is wrong in Eureka, and something minor and unintended is the cause. The problem this week was clever, and a lot of fun as usual. There also was a random side story with Allison that seemed completely out of nowhere for most of the episode. If you're a fan of music, specifically 80's music I think you will enjoy this episode too. There really wasn't anything I didn't like, but I think some of the story lines of the episode either dragged, or never really made sense.
All in all another fun episode of Eureka. Fargo acting silly, Jo acting crazy, and Jack acting confused. Oh, and I still miss the opening credits!! Read on for the episode recap.
Falling Skies Episode 1x06 Review
Episode Title: Sanctuary
Overall Season Rating: B
Episode Rating: A-
This week Falling Skies upped the tension, and contained the story a better then they've been doing in the past. Now that Ben is with the Humans we can finally move on to other missions. I have no problem with that story, but when every single week had the same mission it tends to get a little stale. The rescue did make up for much of that though. This week thought, it's all about the possibility of danger, what should they do about it.
This episode also has some excellent moments. One shot of a Skitter crushing a globe in its hand was particularly entertaining, and terrifying at the same time. I also liked that they stopped focusing on things that have no bearing on the events of the show. Like religious girl always walking around in a daze, or pregnant women. They do mention her, but 5-10 min of the show are not devoted to a character no one cares about. Even Anne, who is one of the worst developed characters ever gets some great scenes, and actually acts IN character. Shocking I know.
The action looks to pick up again next week, but more on that in the spoilers. Read on for the recap.
July 17, 2011
Breaking Bad Season 4 Premiere Review
Episode Title: Box Cutter
Overall Season Rating: A
Episode Rating: A
Breaking Bad is finally back! And the first episode does not disappoint. This premiere had everything that makes a great Breaking Bad episode. Walt acting like a bad ass, only to find out what a true bad ass looks like, Jesse clearly showing that he's not just some junkie, plenty of humor, and of course Skyler needs something to do. I've been reading The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson and it's clear to me that Gus is a psychopath. His stare is enough to send a chill down my spine, and I love how he does it even when he's not angry.
This episode he certainly is angry as the action picks up right where last season's mammoth cliffhanger left us. I won't spoil it for people who have not watched, at least not yet, but the reveal is done perfectly. There is another scene later in the episode that shows any new viewer why Breaking Bad is the best show on TV. I challenge anyone to find a show that would have a scene anywhere near as brilliant. Aaron Paul though, showing that he was more than deserving of that Emmy last year says almost nothing the entire episode until the end. When he finally does speak, it's clear the day's experience has left him a new way of looking at their predicament.
Read on for the episode recap.
July 16, 2011
Torchwood Episode 4x02 Review
Episode Title: Rendition
Overall Season Rating: A
Episode Rating: A
This week brought us yet another excellent episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day. I think what I love about this show so much is they seem to mix creepy and fun so well. Fringe and The X-Files always were great at that, and I love both of those shows to death. This week we also find out that maybe this isn't exactly a miracle after all. All the problems they mention seem to just be the tip of the iceberg, and while there are some positive global effects, we get the idea that those will be short lasting.
We also meet three new members of the cast. First, Lauren Ambrose from Six Feet Under, plays a PR representative named Jilly Kitzinger who's going through the cast like wildfire trying to pick up clients. The second is Dichen Lachman from Dollhouse. She plays Lyn, who also is a CIA agent. I will save commentary on her for the spoiler section, but know that she still scares me from her days on Dollhouse. Finally, the third is Wayne Knight(Newman on Seinfeld). He plays(I think) CIA Director Brian Friedkin. If he's not the CIA Director, then he's someone else of mass power. This brings me to an interesting coincidence in Torchwood. The number of people showing up, or who will show up in the cast who I have loved in other shows is quite a lot:
John Barrowman(Doctor Who, and Torchwood of course)
Wayne Knight(Seinfeld)
Lauren Ambrose(Six Feet Under)
Dichen Lachman(Dollhouse)
Nana Visitor(Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
John de Lancie(Star Trek: TNG. Breaking Bad)
Bill Pullman(not from a show, but he was Lone Star!)
Two of those have not appeared yet, so I'm sorry if that was a spoiler. But I don't see how a cast member is a spoiler. I have no idea in what capacity they will appear after all. Anyway, on to the spoilers!
July 12, 2011
Weeds Episode 7x03 Review
Episode: 7x03 Game-Played
Overall Season Rating: B-
Episode Rating C+
This week's episode wasn't particularly bad, it just wasn't funny. Since Weeds is a comedy, that's usually a sign that things are not working. I did like that the other characters got a little more to do this week than sit around wondering about Nancy, but the show's running time really prevents any true development when you have a large cast. The best moments of the episode both included Silas. Once again, his knack for acting normal really separates him from the rest of the family. The realization that he was not fathered by the same man as Shane has really had a big impact on him.
We're three episodes in and nothing big has happened yet. I wonder why they chose to move this slowly after so much happened in the first episode. I am disappointed in Weeds because for a while it was one of the most bizarre, and brilliant comedies on TV. Now it seems like they have run out of jokes, and are just doing a show about a pathetic family. Here's hoping it picks up, I do have faith in the writers!
Alphas Series Premiere Review
Episode: 1x01 Pilot
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A-
Alphas is a nice new take on a very old theme. Regular people with amazing abilities. What's the difference between this and Heroes, or X-Men, or No Ordinary Family? Well that's simple, there's no "Origin Story". As the show begins they have their powers, are familiar with them, and even are on a team. Because of this, we don't have one a cliche'd "looks what I can do!!!!" scenes. There's no "I can't tell anyone, I'm a freak!" scenes either. This is refreshing, and allows the pilot episode to focus, not on them getting their powers, but on what they do with them.
I'll talk about the powers and the characters more in the spoiler section, but know that I like them a lot. There are some aspects of a couple of the characters that bother me, but I'm thinking those will be fleeting. What I mean by that is, certain characters may have said for behaved a certain way so we learn more about them a little faster. Again, more in the spoiler section. The plot of the episode perfectly sets up the rest of the series. It appears this show will be somewhat serialized, but also be a procedural crime show in the way Fringe is. Each week there will be a new case for them, and it probably will all connect to the central baddie of the series. Another fascinating thing about the show is that their powers don't always work. Sometimes they need a trigger; either emotional, or physical.
Like I do for all premieres, I will simply list what I liked, and what I didn't like rather than a full on episode recap. For those wondering why I do the recaps, this is The Flashbacks Podcast Blog after all and recaps were our trademark. It's actually pretty non-spoilery below the fold this time.
July 11, 2011
Eureka Season 4.5 Premiere Review
Episode: 4x11 Liftoff
Overall Season Rating: A-
Episode Rating: A-
Since I didn't do reviews for the first half of the season, the Overall Rating will refer only to the 2nd half.
Eureka has been a favorite of mine since it started several years ago. I think it perfectly blends real science, and pure fun better than any show of its kind. Tonight's episode dealt mainly with space travel, and since I'm a space nerd I friggin loved it. It's hard to deny that they timed this episode to coincide with the final launch of the Space Shuttle program, but it might just be a huge coincidence. This episode also shows why I love the characters, and relationships on the show. Both always have been portrayed very realistically, even if their surroundings are anything but.
If I had to choose, I would say that Fargo is my favorite character, and I'm sure I'm not alone on that. He's brilliant, hilarious, and clearly is as much of a geek as all the fans. I originally didn't like that he became Head of G.D. last season because I thought it would take away from his antics. I was sooo wrong. The position has not only improved the character, but he gets much more important roles in the show. Plus, since he's their boss they don't yell at him for the silly things he does. The relationships were on full display in this episode, and included a brilliant fake out.
There were things I didn't like, but since it's a TV show I will only mention them in passing a little later. Read more in the spoiler section.
Falling Skies Episode 1x05 Review
Episode 1x05: Silent Kill
Overall Season Rating: B
Episode Rating: B
This episode had its ups and downs, but I think it achieved what it set out to do. Certain characters were fleshed out a little more, and I hope this will make me feel for them a little more. We also get more information about the Skitters, and it's very strange. I really have no idea what to think about the new info, and I like that. What made shows like Lost and BSG so much fun was they would show you something, but not explain it at all. This forces fans to speculate, and theorize. I want to be told a story yes, but with a show like this I also want to be challenged. I'll get to this more in the spoiler section, but I think it's a good move for the show.
While characters are fleshed out, some behaved outright bizarrely. It's not so much the characters themselves per say, but more their actions didn't make sense in context. This was really my only gripe with the episode, and sadly there were several of these events. I'm not sure if Anne is a favorite of anyone, but she just pisses me off in almost every episode. Her actions make almost no sense. I asked last week why they put a pediatrician in charge of learning the Skitter language, and why the show decided surgeons are heartless psychopaths.
Overall an improvement from last week, and it is starting to embrace my large hopes for the series.
Spoilers below the fold.
July 10, 2011
Torchwood: Miracle Day Premiere Review
Overall Season Rating: A
Episode Rating: A
Okay, before you say that rating is too high, and that I'm biased you should know one thing. I am biased. I LOVE Doctor Who more than I can explain, and Torchwood is a Doctor Who spin-off. I've loved John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness since we first met him way back in Series 1 of DW. Don't worry, there will be close to no Doctor Who spoilers in these reviews, but to discuss some aspects of the Torchwood I will need to bring up some Who mentions, so be cautious if you really don't want to know anything.
Why did I love this show so much? Well, I simply think it's a brilliant introduction to a show that already has a few seasons on the books. I have seen a couple Torchwood episodes, but really have no idea what happens in the series prior to Miracle Day. The best part is, you don't need to know anything about that to enjoy the new series. I'm sure it helps to know the relationship between Jack and Gwen, and the reason Torchwood was shut down, but you don't need to know. I read that Torchwood originally was going to be a combination of The X-Files, and Doctor Who, and I think that's so great. Miracle Day shows that that partnership works perfectly, and opens the door to such incredible possibilities. Finally, questions asked about what would happen if no one could die are truly mind-opening. If you're a fan of science fiction shows that are about more than pretty special effects, watch this series. You will love it.
Spoilers below the fold
July 5, 2011
Episode 4: The X-Files: Dark of the Moon
In this show I talk about Transformers 3 for a little bit, and try to explain that it's a fun time, and definitely worth your time. Mainly the episode is about one of my favorite shows of all time, The X-Files. Hope you enjoy it.
July 4, 2011
Weeds Episode 7x02 Review
Overall Season Rating: B-
Episode Rating: B-
Episode Title: 7x02 From Trauma Cometh Something
Weeds answered a lot of the questions from last week, and while I wasn't expecting some of the events, I'm not really that impressed with them either. A friend mentioned to me that he didn't think last week's episode was very funny at all. While I don't totally agree, I would say that the show has been lacking in jokes quite a bit this season so far. There's been very a serious air about the show, and when it looks like they are trying to tell a joke it falls flat. This might be caused by the subject matter, or maybe we are so familiar with these characters that no matter what they do or say we just take it at face value.
I'll get into more detail in the spoilers section about what I liked and didn't like, but I am starting to worry about the show. As I said last week, I haven't been pleased with it since they left Agrestic, and I think those feelings will continue. New York City does offer some new opportunities but so far they have not explored that at all. In this episode for example none of the characters did anything that they could not do anywhere else. Aside from a modeling agency rep saying New York is the land of hard chizzled gods. Which is certainly is.
Spoilers below the fold.
Falling Skies Episode 1x04 Review
Overall Season Rating: B
Episode Rating: B-
Tonight's episode was titled "Grace", and the moral was "prayer makes everything okay". Yes, that's right, religion has shoved it's way into an otherwise very well done science fiction survival story. More on this later in the spoiler section. Other than religion, this episode gives us more information about the Skidders. I'm liking the way they're revealing things about them. Instead of some cliche'd exposition we are learning who they are through experience. To put it another way, we are learning about them just as our characters learn. This keeps the tension and the mystery exciting. The dark nature of the show continued as well, and like I've said this will be the strength of the show.
I also continue to be impressed with the special effects. We get a very close up view of a Skidder throughout this episode, and for a cable TV show it looked excellent. There are some negative aspects though. For one, the show seems to be falling into old troupes and devices used in these types of stories. The battle over how you learn more about the Skidders would be much more interesting I think if the characters involved were more developed. Since it's only the fourth hour we know very little about them, making their arguments seem completely one-dimensional. For the most part I think the acting has been good, but we can't have a deep argument about morality when we don't have enough information to know the motivations for these people.
Another good episode, but certain events lead me to believe they may not have the guts I hoped they did.
Spoilers below the fold
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