September 3, 2011

Doctor Who Episode 6x09 Review

Episode Title: Night Terrors
Episode Rating: A-
Overall Season Rating: A-

Well sort of review. I love Doctor Who so much I've decided that for the most part this will just be a stream of consciousness. Plus, I got some good feed back on my shorter Eureka review.

 Tonight's episode was everything I love about a Doctor Who episode. Recently, I've been getting upset with the show and I'm not entirely sure why. I mean I loved pretty much every episode from the first half of series six, and I was blown away by "Let's Kill Hitler". I think some of it has to do with the three documentaries made by BBC America. If you didn't see these, then you are lucky. They are all about the "Best of" various aspects of Doctor Who but they all only cover the history from when Matt Smith took over. This is ridiculous and the Companion special really soured me on Amy and Rory. I like them both, but all three of Tennant's companions are ahead of both of them in my opinion, and don't even get me started on companions from before the relaunch.

I've noticed I haven't even talked about tonight's episode at all. Sorry.

I love Night Terrors. It was a classic Doctor Who episode. Well, classic in terms of the re-launch. Doctor lands, something crazy is happening, and he has to fix it. The Companion is along for the ride and has their own adventure. There was no talk of Amy and Rory's love for each other. We get it, they love each other. That was sweet, and meaningful last year when he kept dying and separating them. This year this it's been done to death, and I'm sick hearing her say how perfect Rory is. She loves him, got it. I like Rory much more than I like Amy, and a lot of that is based on how amazing he was last year. Waiting 2000 years is beyond incredible.

The episode was scary as hell as well. Which is always a good thing. Plus, the father was great guy. I loved that he wasn't some cliche'd mean father. He was a loving father who was just worried and at his wits end. Same with the mother, although we never really saw her except at the beginning and end but I think it was clear that she loved George too.

I was unsure at the end if George knew what he was. I think it would mean more if he doesn't know. That way it makes sense why he would be afraid of everything, and these powers that he has would just magnify that. If he did know then why wouldn't he attempt to communicate that to them, or at least the Doctor?

Like I said, I loved that Amy and Rory had their own adventure, and I LOVE that the Doctor was so engrossed in his little mystery that he never once wondered where they were. That is very classic Doctor Who. The Doctor would often let the companions wander off on their own, and only get worried if he felt they were personally in danger. It's very alien, and shows that while he loves his friends, he loves the mysteries and dangers of his travels even more.

That's my review. That was fun to write, and I think i'll stick to this format from here on out.

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