March 12, 2012

Once Upon a Time 1x15 Review


Once Upon a Time has shown that it is capable of telling very endearing and sometimes campy love stories as we saw last week with Dreamy. They also have shown a capability for very dark and even scary episodes as we saw with The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. This week was clearly the latter. After more than half the season we finally get the back story for Ruby and Granny. It's been known since the pilot that Ruby was Little Red Riding Hood, and we've seen her appear in multiple Snow White stories, but this was the first chance we've had to see her story. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, and that's not a shock. It was written by the great Jane Espenson. If you don't know the name look it up on IMDb, I guarantee you'll see more than one show that you really like. 

March 8, 2012

Awake 1x02 Review

The Little Guy

After watching the second episode of this show I've decided two things. First, it's that this show certainly has legs and has grabbed me. This isn't only due to the fine acting, and impressive characterizations we're getting but also because even after only two episodes I care about these people much more than I do about characters I've seen in shows for years. The other thing I've decided is that this is a brilliant move by NBC. They look at TV and see that shows like CSI and Law and Order do amazing. What did they do? They put on a show that is two episodes of CSI in one, and also has a mysterious quality to it for the geeks. It's CSI + Lost!!  Brilliant NBC, brilliant. 

March 5, 2012

Once Upon a Time 1x14 Review


In this episode of Once Upon a Time we finally learn about the other aspect of the show's favorite fairy tale, the Dwarfs. I personally really enjoyed this episode. I know there are people who don't like when the episodes appear to just be 45 min long commercials for Disney movies but hey, Disney is paying a lot of money for this show and I also love the shout outs. So deal with it. This week I thought both the Fairy Tale Land, and Storybrooke plots were strong. It was a smart move to tie Leroy's story in with Mary Margaret. That way you could continue telling her story of woe, but also still focus on Leroy and Astrid. 

March 4, 2012

The Walking Dead 2x11 Review

Judge, Jury, Executioner

So wow! Talk about an episode that lulls you into a sense of calm.  As always, spoilers throughout! 

This episode is about two things, and those two things seem to connect late in the episode in what I saw as a very predictable and average(compared to where you know this story can go). We find out of course just a few minutes later that these two stories will connect again. What I'm talking about is the story about the Randal question, and also the story about Carl. To me the Carl story was the far more interesting, and riveting one. Dale's quest to get everyone to see the humanitarian side of things seemed very ignorant, and preachy. My personal politics aside, you can't look at this situation like it's happening in a pre-walker world. Dale had many points, and was very moving at times but the pros and cons just don't add up to keeping Randal alive. The odds of Randal being even a little bit useful are slim. He was with that other group for awhile, and they sent him to attack Rick, and he managed to fall and hurt himself. Not exactly a powerful warrior. 

March 1, 2012

Awake Pilot Review

I've just seen NBC's bold new drama "Awake" and in a word, I found it fascinating. Stripped down to the nuts and bolts, Awake is a police procedural drama. Similar in that respect to the show it replaces in NBC Thursday night line-up; Prime Suspect. What holds Awake apart from that show, and every other cop show is that it has one of the boldest, and most innovative premises I've ever seen on network television. Awake is about a police detective named Michael Britten(Jason Issacs) who was in a very bad car accident. The twist is that he's now living what appears to be parallel lives. In one reality his wife Hannah(Laura Allen) died in the accident, and in the other his son Rex(Dylan Minnette) died. Michael doesn't know which one is real, and while he's in one of the realities the other one appears to have been a dream. 

30 Day Sci-Fi-Challenge - Day 30

Favorite Theme Tune -- Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek always had great themes. They always were so much more epic than any other show I watched. This is my favorite Jerry Goldsmith's theme from Star Trek: The Motion Picture was used for this show, and it quickly became known as simply the theme for Star Trek: TNG.