On Jan 1, 2012 The Flashbacks Podcast will be reborn! The podcast itself will sound streets ahead better than it has in the past, and clips will actually sound like I didn't play them while sitting in an Olympic sized swimming pool.
The blog will be reborn as well. Posts will be done often, and by more than just me. So hooray!
Talkshoe will be now more, but don't worry about the feed. The new episodes should be accessible from the exact same feed, but old episodes will not be available on iTunes anymore. They all will remain on the Talkshoe page, and a link can be found on this site. I also will be re-releasing the first 16 Flashbacks Podcast episodes with some edits, alterations so that they will be available on iTunes, and sound almost as good as I intended.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to post a comment here, or e-mail us directly.