September 17, 2011

Doctor Who Episode 6x11 Review

Episode Title: The God Complex
Episode Rating: A
Overall Season Rating: A-

Yet another home run for Doctor Who. Last week I talked about how each episode was different, and gave us aspects of Who that we all love. This one keeps that streak going. While it was creepy, I wouldn't say it was scary. Not in the way Night Terrors was anyway. The idea of a hotel filled with rooms of people fears is properly creepy though, and I think it would have been fun to watch this episode in an actual hotel. Try walking the corridors late at night then. Another streak that I noticed however has been broken. For most of Steven Moffat's tenure on Doctor Who we have seen very little death. I'm not a fan of people I like dying in TV shows, but when Russell T. Davies was running things people died all the time. Sometimes a lot of people. Knowing that people could, and probably will die adds real stakes to episodes of the show, and makes us sigh relief when people we genuinely like don't die. Well, this episode fixed that for us.

September 10, 2011

Doctor Who Episode 6x10 Review

Episode Title: The Girl Who Waited
Episode Rating: A
Overall Season Rating: A-

Last week's episode "Night Terrors" was very different from the mid-season premiere episode "Let's Kill Hitler", and this episode was very different from both of those. Which is a good thing. Moffat is keeping the episode style fresh, while staying true to what Doctor Who stands for. In this episode we got even more information about the early days of Amy and Rory's relationship, and as it turns out this show is capable of discussing them and have it be more intelligent than your average teenage drama. There were so many aspects I loved about this episode, and some of them are things that I have not liked recently in Who.

September 3, 2011

Doctor Who Episode 6x09 Review

Episode Title: Night Terrors
Episode Rating: A-
Overall Season Rating: A-

Well sort of review. I love Doctor Who so much I've decided that for the most part this will just be a stream of consciousness. Plus, I got some good feed back on my shorter Eureka review.

 Tonight's episode was everything I love about a Doctor Who episode. Recently, I've been getting upset with the show and I'm not entirely sure why. I mean I loved pretty much every episode from the first half of series six, and I was blown away by "Let's Kill Hitler". I think some of it has to do with the three documentaries made by BBC America. If you didn't see these, then you are lucky. They are all about the "Best of" various aspects of Doctor Who but they all only cover the history from when Matt Smith took over. This is ridiculous and the Companion special really soured me on Amy and Rory. I like them both, but all three of Tennant's companions are ahead of both of them in my opinion, and don't even get me started on companions from before the relaunch.