June 30, 2011
What's new for July?
It's officially Summer and TV is about to get crazy. There are a lot of shows starting in July that we'll be covering here on The Flashbacks Podcast Blog. There also are a few big movies that I've been looking forward to for a long time. Let's get started shall we?
Torchwood: Miracle Day(July 8 on Starz): The epic Doctor Who spin-off series returns for its fourth season. Now taking place in the United States, and airing Starz. I love Doctor Who, and I LOVE John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness! All I know about the season is that due to some craziness no one on Earth can die. Welcome to Miracle Day! I will be doing regular reviews of this show, and it will hopefully keep me happy while I wait for the 2nd half of Series 6 of Doctor Who to start.
Curb Your Enthusiasm(July 10 on HBO): Larry David is back as everyone's favorite neurotic for an incredible 8th season.. I have no idea how they are going to top last season's "Seinfeld Reunion" arc, but we shall see. I love this show, and if you were a Seinfeld fan you will too. Unlike most shows on TV you can pretty much jump into this show whenever you want. Much like Seinfeld none of the characters have a very long memory, and each episode is just about Larry getting into trouble, and then freaking out. The show also proves that the real comic genius at Seinfeld was in fact Larry David.
Alphas(July 11 on Syfy): This is a new show that is exactly like Heroes, except they actually team up as superheroes instead of "trying to fit in". I might be totally wrong, but the commercials make it seem like there is more of a centralized mission of both the good guys, and the bad. Super hero shows have not been successful over the past few years, but I hope this one changes that trend. Syfy did an outstanding job with Being Human, hopefully the same will be true for Alphas.
Eureka(July 11 on Syfy): Everyone's favorite town of geniuses returns for the 2nd half of its 4th season. I've always been a fan of this show. Every week they take real scientific principles and tweak them just a bit to make it fun, and work in the fictional world they've created. Since I've always been interested in all kinds of sciences, that aspect gets my geeky blood pumping. Plus, who doesn't love Colin Ferguson as Sheriff Jack Carter, and Twitter beast Neil Grayston as Dr. Douglas Fargo. It might be too silly at times, but I love it.
Breaking Bad(July 17 on AMC): The best show on Television finally returns after more than a year for its 4th season. The season 3 finale ended with a spectacular cliffhanger, and I cannot wait to see how it turned out, and what the repercussions will be. I won't be spoilery here at all, but if you are not watching Breaking Bad you are missing out on the best show on TV, period.
If there is a show you want us to cover, just put it in the comments, and we will seriously consider it.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2(July 15): What else is there to say? The EPIC finale of the decade long film series based on the best selling series by J. K. Rowling. I will be watching this at a midnight showing with many many people. Not sure at all when I'll get home, but I'll have the review up sometime early on Friday. Expecto Patronum!!!
Captain America(July 22): Chris Evans(who already played Human Torch in the Fantastic Four) plays Steve Rogers. A skinny and small kid who wants to fight for his nation in World War Two is asked to participate in an experiment. It works, and turns him into one of Marvel's most popular, and well known super heroes, Captain America! Captain America is pretty much the Marvel version of Superman sans all the super human alien powers. The trailers for this movie look outstanding, and I'm a big fan of Chris Evans. This movie is also the main one leading into next year's The Avengers. Can't wait.
Cowboys and Aliens(July 29): It's directed by Jon Favreau, and stars Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, and Olivia Wilde. What else is there to say? This movie looks insane, and I'm not even sure there's a plot. All we know is that aliens attack a group of cowboys, and they fight back. I imagine they were just pulling words out of a hat, and then decided they had to come up with a story. Favreau directed both Iron Mans so we know he can do this type of movie very well. I am definitely looking forward to this silly popcorn movie with a dream cast.
Due to the influx of TV shows on Monday, the podcast recording is being moved to Tuesdays.
July 5 - The X-Files: Dark of the Moon: On this show we'll discuss the new Transformers movie. Probably make fun of it, and comment on the amazing cameos. Then the main part of the show will be about The X-Files. I'll give a little history lesson, talk about the seasons with as few spoilers as I can, and talk about the two movies. Then maybe talk about the impact it had on the genre, which was fairly large.
July 19 - The Deathly Flashbacks - This show will be almost exclusively about the new Harry Potter movie. Except for the beginning, it will be quite spoilery. This show should have quite a group since several friends of the show are big fans.
Once again, if there is anything you think we should add to the blog, or the podcast please post it in the comments.
Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon Review
Overall Rating: C+
Okay, before I start I know you're all wondering the same thing. "Does it suck?". The answer is, "Well, not totally." It's light years better than the 2nd one, I know that's not saying much, but it's the reasons that it's better that make it not suck. It still has a lot of stupid jokes, cheesy moments, plot holes larger than Cybertron, and little mistakes that make space-nerds like me get really upset. Honestly though, if you're going into Transformers looking for thespian readings, and character development then I think you may have hit your head, hard.
If you plan to see this movie, see it in IMAX 3D. I know it's expensive, but that's the only way to view it. I have not been a fan of 3D in the past, and have explained so on this very site. However, it was amazing in this movie. They do the standard things flying at the screen effect, which while cool, is getting old. But they also do a great skydiving scene and the 3D effects are felt there more than I've ever felt them. You feel like you are falling, and I think I smell a future ride at an amusement park. This movie also was made for IMAX, I can't imagine seeing it on a regular sized screen. I know IMAX is not everywhere, but try to see it that way. I think the movie would look about 80% worse on a regular screen, and since the look is one of the best features you're going to want to do it right.
So what did I like other than the format. Well, several things. I'll get more specific in the spoiler section, but I'll give a quick list here. The cameos, OH THE CAMEOS. I think I literally clapped about 5 times because an actor walked on screen. Again, no spoilers yet cause knowing will make it a little less amazing. The special effects were absolutely stunning. The length, and repetitiveness of the movie started to negate this, but I think it worked out well. More on that later. The story actually is pretty good. They explain the origin of the conflict very well, both from the Human side and the Transformer side. As I said above there are a few big plot holes, but none that destroy the story of the movie. In fact, the historical aspect was handled very well in making it both a lot of fun, and also actually believable. Since the title of the movie is "Dark of the Moon", I don't think it's a spoiler to say it's about a cover-up involving the moon landing. Since the "They faked the moon landing" is still one of the most popular conspiracy theories(pisses me off), I like that they had fun with this large of a cover-up centered around the moon landing.
Hope that was helpful, Spoilers below the fold.
June 27, 2011
Weeds Season 7 Premiere Review
Overall Season Rating: B
Episode Rating: B
Weeds, the story of a suburban mom turned pot dealer, turned drug lord's wife, turned murderer's mom, turned prisoner. This premiere reaffirmed that Weeds is one of the most peculiar shows on television, sometimes too peculiar. I haven't been totally in love with the show since the family left Agrestic. It lost something when that happened, most notably it lost one of the best theme songs ever. I miss "Little Boxes" so much. With that said, season 7 begins differently than the others. Usually Weeds would end on a cliffhanger, and the next season would pick up basically right where the last one ended. That is not the case this year. There is also another change of location, two of them. I also was very pleased with the direction the characters had taken in the missing time. It's both hilarious, and just the right amount of believable. Weeds after all is a comedy, and a pretty dark comedy at that. We don't want it getting too realistic, and there are characters in this show that are so over the top it would be disappointing if they were not in silly and weird situations. I have high hopes for this season, and while I don't think it's the final season, I think I'm going to start hoping it is. With that, on to the review.
Spoilers below the fold.
Falling Skies Episode 1x03 Review
Overall Season Rating: B
Episode 1x01/02: B+
Episode 1x03: B
Ok, two things before this review starts. You'll notice there is a new rating system with TV shows. Up until now I have thought that rating the shows on a per episode basis was not a good idea. That was until I got a very nice e-mail with a great suggestion. That suggestion is what you see above. Two sets of ratings. The Overall Season Rating will be a sliding scale based on the average of scores I give each episode. For those like me that were not great at math, that means if there are two episodes and one gets an A, and the other gets a C, the Overall rating is B. The second thing is to admit that I'm an idiot. But it's not all my fault. Last week I said I didn't know the name of the actor who plays their leader, but he looked familiar. That's because he's been in a ton of movies, and his name is WILL PATTON! His name in the show also is NOT Clayton, but Weaver. I blame IMDb totally for this since as I said he wasn't listed. I apologize to you, to Mr. Patton, and anyone else who likes facts.
Spoilers Below
This episode was called "Prisoner of War" and with good reason . Sad to say while watching the cable skipped a couple times and I missed some important bits, but I think I understand what I missed. The first of these moments was right at the beginning. We see Tom and his crew doing recon on the Skidders and try to see Ben. This is where it skipped and I missed a bit cause next thing I saw they were running away. I don't think I missed anything huge, but we learn he saw a lot of the kids, and plans to go back to get Ben, again. We then get a very BSG style moment of people asking if he saw their kids, and they start putting pictures up on the wall. On the same wall we saw very brief newspaper clippings of the alien arrival. I would like to go back and see if there is a better image of that. Last week I talked about flashbacks, but maybe we won't get that. We'll get very brief looks at newspapers to give us the info we need. That would be bold, and a wonderful usage of the realism of the world to give us that info.
June 20, 2011
Episode 3: The Super Green Lost Ark
In this episode I talk about my thoughts on Super 8 and Green Lantern. I also play a couple voice mails, and talk about the Critics Choice TV Awards. The main part of the show though is devoted to some history and discussion about one of my favorite movies of all time, Raiders of the Lost Ark.
If you with to comment, please call the voice mail line or e-mail us.
Click below to listen to Episode 3, enjoy.
If you with to comment, please call the voice mail line or e-mail us.
Click below to listen to Episode 3, enjoy.
The Killing, Season Finale Review
No Spoilers Yet
Season One of The Killing is complete and I am going to give my rating. Overall Season Rating is a B+. But Josh, you really liked this show, why only a B+? Well the answer to that is quite spoilery so you'll have to read on to see, but the show disappointed me on a fundamental level in the finale. It's not the actors, or even the writers fault. It's not fair to say they did a bad job just because I'm not 100% in love with it. Also, saying that would make me a hypocrite since I've used that as a defense of the Lost finale for over a year now. The writers are telling the story they want to tell, and we can either like it, or not like it, but it's unfair to them to say they made the wrong choice.
Before I get into the more indepth review I want to give a general review of the season. The Killing is a very good show, and one of the best American detective shows in a long time. In an age where procedural shows like CSI, and Law and Order rule the detective genre it's so refreshing to see a show able to rise above them. In The Killing they don't find finger prints and DNA everywhere by using made up technology. Detective work is very hard, and it's slow, and even boring at times. The Killing shows that aspect of it exceedingly well.
Before it started many people(including me) said it looked like Twin Peaks. Murdered girl, Washington State, highly serialized, it seemed like a copy. We soon realized there is a huge difference between the two. Twin Peaks was a serialized supernatural mystery that made the characters so memorable, the insanity and collapse of that mythology doesn't even matter when people list it in top 10 lists. The Killing however is very realistic in almost everything it does. The way people look, the way they behave around each other, and most importantly as I said the way murder investigations are run. Unlike Twin Peaks there are no outrageous characters, no dream sequences that leave you wondering what was in your drink, and no people in drag. The Killing is the very real, and very sad story about a murdered girl, people involved in her life, and the investigation. Very simple, but very right. This is the show to watch if you're a fan of detective stories, but are sick of the procedural canned stories we see on network TV. While The Killing is not Breaking Bad, or Mad Men it is just more proof of why AMC is best channel on TV.
SPOILERS Below the Fold
Falling Skies Pilot Review
Well the 2-hour premiere of Falling Skies is over. What's the verdict? It's a good show, but not great. It has a lot of potential if they focus on the struggle of humanity to survive, and fight back, and less on the cliched archetypes that appear in every single post-apocalyptic vision. Since this was the pilot episode I thought I would do this review by simply talking about what I liked, and what I didn't like. That way I avoid assuming things, or theorizing about things we simply don't have enough information about. After that, I'll talk about where I hope the show goes. I plan to review this show every week whether I enjoy it or not.
Before I get into the like/dislike section I want give a brief description of the show for those who don't know. In the first few moments we learn that an alien race we call the "skidders" attacked Earth. At first humans allowed them to place ships around the planet to avoid starting a war ID4 Style. This quickly turned bad as the aliens destroyed all the electronics, then all the military bases, and finally started eliminating cities. The show is about the aftermath of this destruction. Imagine the movie Independence Day, but instead of a rousing speech, and an impossibly stupid winning solution, we don't beat the aliens within a couple days. The aliens won, and now only a few humans survive, and begin to slowly fight back.
Spoilers below the fold.
June 18, 2011
Green Lantern Review
Overall Rating: C
Spoilers will come later.
Just got back from seeing Green Lantern, and I didn't hate it. So that's something. Since this movie has been getting horrible reviews, and has 24% on rotten tomatoes I went in with pretty low expectations. That is how I suggest you go into this movie. I'll get more specific later, but it's not the best. It's not a bad movie at all, but it's really nothing more than a popcorn movie. While the action is great and the special effects are used quite well, the writing and acting are both very poor. The jokes were poor as well. While Green Lantern is not a silly comic at all, Ryan Reynolds still is behaving the way he always does. His dry sarcastic delivery of some of the jokes worked at times, but more often it did not. The story is pretty good. They ease you into the world with an expository voice over combined with very nice visuals that both explains everything to you, and reminds you that this is only a comic book. More on the story later in the spoiler section.
Green Lantern is a DC comic classic, and this is their only movie in the year of the Marvel comic book movies. The comic book is very popular and has been for many decades, so they had a lot to work with here. The cast did an okay job, some much stronger than others. As I said above, the action was the true winner in this movie. I was very pleased how the Green Lantern effects were visualized in the movie, and even though large amounts of CGI were needed I thought they were seamlessly integrated into the real life surroundings. I saw the movie in 3D and had serious issues with that aspect. I felt it added nothing to the movie, and in various scenes it seemed incomplete, or problematic.
Read on for more, and Spoilers
June 13, 2011
The Killing, Day 12 Review
Well everyone, it seems we have our KILLER! Right off the bat I want to say that while I'm not 100% cool with the answer, the way it was revealed was amazing. It was definitely a "WOW" moment. I'll get back to this though because I do have more to say about it.
The episode begins in a way that's really interesting. During construction they find a skull in the area where they a building the Mayor's Water Front Revitalization Project. It would turn out that this was only a way for them to kill the Mayor's campaign, since we found out nothing about the person who once used that skull for a head. I was confused by the reaction to this. I understood why it would be an issue for the project, but why was everyone jumping ship like the Mayor did something wrong? Did the Governor really switch to Richmond based solely on the idea that the the skull would cause the Mayor to lose? I dunno maybe I'm dense, but I thought they all overreacted to this. What I think though is kind of moot since that's what the show is doing. After this Richmond gets endorsements, and seems to have the election in the bag. This causes the Mayor to drop off some pictures to his campaign. We find out at the end what the pictures are in what I'm calling "The RICHMOND IS THE KILLER Montage". More on that later.
June 12, 2011
Super 8 Review
Overall Rating: A-
Just got back from J.J. Abrams' new movie, Super 8! I loved parts of it, and only liked other parts. There were things I didn't like, but I'm not sure about them yet. We'll see if I'm able to explain it by the time I get to it in the review.
Firstly, I want to say that the strength, heart, and center of this movie is the kids. I don't think I've seen acting like this from a group of kids in a very long time. Joel Courtney who plays Joe is very reminiscent of people like Elliot from E.T. You understand him, and root for him from the very first moment you see him and every action he takes makes perfect sense to who he is. He acts like a kid, but also acts grown up at times. Something that is often tried in movies or shows these days is the need to have kids act even more adult, like Dakota Fanning in every role. It's not realistic, and makes you care less about the kid because there's a loss of innocence when you make them behave in ways they would not normally.
I loved the way they played on his crush on Alice(Elle Fanning). They didn't need to tell us anything, they didn't need to have him say it to anyone. We knew it because we are not idiots. Later he and Charles(Riley Griffiths) are discussing her, and they tell us then, but that was them telling each other. Once again, done the way kids talk. I've had conversations like that, exactly like that. Usually, I'm Charles in that situation, but it's all good. Elle Fanning was amazing as well, she was beautiful, and even her character was a great actress. When we meet her father(Rod Eldard) for the first time I was worried he would be a cliche'd drunk who threatens to hit her all the time. I was pleasantly relieved to see that he was not like that at all. He was exactly what Joe's mom said he was; "sad". Turned out he was a pretty good guy.
Just got back from J.J. Abrams' new movie, Super 8! I loved parts of it, and only liked other parts. There were things I didn't like, but I'm not sure about them yet. We'll see if I'm able to explain it by the time I get to it in the review.
Firstly, I want to say that the strength, heart, and center of this movie is the kids. I don't think I've seen acting like this from a group of kids in a very long time. Joel Courtney who plays Joe is very reminiscent of people like Elliot from E.T. You understand him, and root for him from the very first moment you see him and every action he takes makes perfect sense to who he is. He acts like a kid, but also acts grown up at times. Something that is often tried in movies or shows these days is the need to have kids act even more adult, like Dakota Fanning in every role. It's not realistic, and makes you care less about the kid because there's a loss of innocence when you make them behave in ways they would not normally.
I loved the way they played on his crush on Alice(Elle Fanning). They didn't need to tell us anything, they didn't need to have him say it to anyone. We knew it because we are not idiots. Later he and Charles(Riley Griffiths) are discussing her, and they tell us then, but that was them telling each other. Once again, done the way kids talk. I've had conversations like that, exactly like that. Usually, I'm Charles in that situation, but it's all good. Elle Fanning was amazing as well, she was beautiful, and even her character was a great actress. When we meet her father(Rod Eldard) for the first time I was worried he would be a cliche'd drunk who threatens to hit her all the time. I was pleasantly relieved to see that he was not like that at all. He was exactly what Joe's mom said he was; "sad". Turned out he was a pretty good guy.
June 6, 2011
Episode 2: Four More Years!
Here is the Flashbacks Podcast episode from June 6, 2011.
I talk about some memories of the past four years. Then I talk about some my favorite TV shows from the past season. Finally, I briefly talk about the upcoming movies this summer, and beyond.
Amanda joins at the very end, and talks about her thoughts on X-Men: First Class.
I talk about some memories of the past four years. Then I talk about some my favorite TV shows from the past season. Finally, I briefly talk about the upcoming movies this summer, and beyond.
Amanda joins at the very end, and talks about her thoughts on X-Men: First Class.
The Killing, Day 11 Review

Last week we learned a lot about the night Rosie died, but this week we learned about the two detectives trying to find her killer. This was the long awaited "character" episode. Where the two main characters stop being clichéd cops, and start being real people. I was amazed, and pleased that Linden and Holder were pretty much the only two people in the episode. The only other person who has appeared before was Linden's son Jack, and that was at the very end. That, and the arc of the episode gave both Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnaman time to shine as actors.
This episode begins following the events of last week. Linden has tracked Rosie to an Indian Casino. As expected they are will not let the police look at their cameras, or interview anyone. I wondered why Linden didn't want to release this information to the press, or at least threaten to do so. I imagine it would hurt business if people thought the casino was covering up something about the death of Rosie Larsen. While I'm sure the people that run the casino are innocent, I still think a threat like that would have helped a little bit. Linden however notices ATMs, and decides to use those cameras to try and find an image of Rosie.
But this, is the end of the Rosie Larsen case until the last few minutes of the episode. We find out that Linden's son has not been at school for the past three days, and he is not at the motel. In fact, he left his cell phone at the motel. I'm sure tracking down murderers every day has left her a bit paranoid, so she's understandably worried. Holder, is doing his best to keep her calm, and by best, I mean not a very good job. At first anyway, he improves considerably. We also find out that Holder has what I am guessing is a son. If we knew this already I had forgotten it. There is some parade he had promised to go to, and calls them to say he'll be there. This is a promise he will have to back out of due to disappearance of Jack, but it was interesting to see that Holder has an actual life, and it was good to see him get more of a story than junkie cop.
The search then begins. Linden gets a call from the mother of Jack's best friend. She says that Jack has been a sort of "ring leader" and is getting everyone to hang out somewhere called The Tunnel. While it has a creepy name, it's just a small tunnel overpass where middle school kids go to smoke, and make out. On the way to track him down, Holder asks about Regi, and mentions his own mom was never around. He was raised by his sister. I always assumed Regi was a close friend, or a sister. I placed her far to young to be Linden's mother, or social worker, but whatever. When Linden said that Regi was her social worker, we got more information than we have in the entire season so far about Linden's life outside of the case and her fiancée, and there was more to come.
Holder and Linden then stop off for some food. It was some fast food place, and Holder orders a hamburger with no burger. He's a vegetarian, but only some of the time. I really liked his explanation of his strange diet, and it goes well with his personality. This scene in the restaurant was one of the best of the season in my opinion. These two have been partners for a week and a half, and this really is the first time they have sat down and talked. Not about the work, but about themselves. Holder talks about when he was addicted to meth, and I could only think of Breaking Bad. I know neither show is big on jokes, but I would love if there was some connection.
We then learn that Jack has been receiving strange texts from someone with a restricted number. He is being told where he can meet someone. We later find out that it's probably his father, but this was definitely creepy. Jack may have been acting like a punk, but he's not stupid enough to get in the car with a stranger. I would have been very upset if that was a the case. Now, just because it was a restricted number didn't mean it was a stranger to him, but it certainly was creepy and troubling. Linden now is clearly past concern, and she's imaging the worst. During the next car ride to the next possible hiding place she tells Holder that she was a foster child until the end of High School, and had moved many times. She says the worst part was not knowing the bed room, they always were different. I wonder if that had anything to do with her becoming a detective. In her line of work, every new case is like a dark room, and she has to find the metaphorical light switch. That's a bit deep for the hour I'm writing this, so I'll stop there.
Another excellent scene takes place when Linden and Holder are checking a park for Jack. She tells a story about when Jack was small, and it's another shining moment for Enos. They then get a call that the body of the young boy has been found. Linden worries that it's Jack, and they race to the scene. I was worried too, but more so because I thought it would be a very poor decision to kill off her son. It's not her son of course, and we leave the scene. I assume all the ordinary police work will be done, but since they have one unsolved murder, I wonder if they will even consider a connection. I'm sure there is none, but still. When they get back to the motel, Jack is there. Linden asks where he's been and he says he doesn't want her to get mad, but he's been with his father. For some reason I thought the father was dead, but I guess not. I know her fiancée mentioned something about a hospital in the last episode. Maybe the husband beat her while they were together, and sent her to the hospital. That would be a very good reason why she wouldn't want her son going to see him, and why it didn't even occur to her to contact him.
The last few minutes of the episode get back to Rosie Larsen. Remember her? Holder gets word that they got the ATM footage, and he finds that Rosie was indeed there. I hope there won't be any crap next week about Holder not telling Linden right away. I mean the worst thing she could have done at that moment was run off to watch camera footage, and leave her son alone again. Next week, I'm guess we'll be back to the Rosie case, and perhaps will learn more about Jack's father. There are only two episodes left, so that kind of narrows down what they'll be able to do. I'm also going to go ahead and guess that next week we will advance the Rosie case almost to its conclusion, but I've certainly been wrong before.
Any comments are, as always welcomed.
June 4, 2011
X-Men: First Class Review

Overall Rating: B+
I've had a day to think about X-Men: First Class and I have several thoughts. This review will start out more or less with no spoilers, and then I'll go into more detail. Don't worry, I'll warn you.
Right off the bat, I want to say that I liked the movie very very much. Both James McAvoy(Charles Xavier/Professor X) and Michael Fassbender(Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto) were excellent, especially Fassbender. I loved Sir Ian McKellen as Magneto in the other X-Men movies but Fassbender is equally good I would say. You get the perfect mix of brilliance, pain, evil, and deep sadness, and all of that just by looking in his eyes. McAvoy as I said was excellent as well. Xavier is less interesting I think at this age, I thought he was too polished. Hitting on coeds aside he didn't really behave the way a brilliant 20something would. I was hoping to see more pranks or childish behavior that suggested the events of the movie would change him mentally, as well as physically.
The rest of the cast was good too, Jennifer Lawrence(Raven/Mystique) was breathtaking. Not only is she beautiful even when blue, she gives off an innocence as Mystique that was clearly gone later in life. Kevin Bacon as the evil Sebastian Shaw was classic. It was tough not to laugh while he was on camera, and I'm not sure why. He played the supervillain role very well, and didn't make the mistake of explaining everything to the good guys. They find out through other means, but that was refreshing. I'm still not 100% sure what his evil plan was, but more on that later. I really don't have any meaningful comments on anyone else. January Jones as Emma Frost was HOT, and delightfully villainy, but other than just another henchman for Shaw she really didn't do anything.
The story of the movie was actually very good. When I saw in the trailers it was occurring around the Cuban Missile Crisis I did get worried. However, they do it well, and remind us all that THIS IS FICTION! I don't think this is a spoiler since the trailers give this away, but the events of October, 1962 are not exactly the way they appear in the history books. Actually, imagine the historical account, now change virtually everything about it other than the very basic background, and you will be close to the events in the movie, but again more on this later.
Unless you are a huge stickler for X-Men canon, both from the comics and the other movies, or a stickler for American History, you will love this movie. I was annoyed at first by the canon errors, but then I realized this is a whole new movie. Let them make it the way they want to. If every comic book movie follows the comic book 100%, they would be entertaining but ultimately useless. This was a great story that would be impossible to tell if they stuck to canon. That brings us to the more in depth review.
The movie starts out frakking brilliantly. With a PERFECT shot for shot re-creation of the first scene of the first X-Men movie. I literally thought it was the same exact scene, and then was informed it was brand new. I want to see them side by side, cause wow. We then see the beginning of the torturous life Erik would live at the hands of Shaw. The shooting of the mother was pretty shocking for a PG-13 movie. We also meet young Xavier living in luxury. I liked how they went back and forth between the two lives. Erik living in misery and horror, and Xavier living a perfect life where his mother doesn't even have to enter the kitchen. Gives an interesting early explanation of why these two men would turn out so very differently.
When we first meet Raven, Xavier basically invites her to live with them. I wonder what his parents thought about this, and if they knew she was a mutant. Did they even know he was a mutant? The flirting with coeds scene was great, and I guess it helps to look like James McAvoy when you use genetics as a pick up line. Something tells me if I pointed out a girl's genetic mutation, the night would have ended differently. With that scene I was also a little disappointed we didn't see Xavier using his power somewhat childishly, but oh well.
I wont go through the whole movie, but I'll point out scenes that stood out. The introduction of Shaw's power was GREAT. Sometimes these movies have a habit of introducing them through exposition, but in this scene he explained it more as a "bet you didn't see that coming" to the General, and then shows off just to scare, and then kill him. I loved the quick mention of William Striker Sr., and his son, who clearly will become the William Striker Jr. we see in the later movies.
The montage of finding the other mutants was fun, and included by far the best scene of the movie. Wolverine's appearance was so great I still smile while thinking about it. I'm not going to discuss the differences in canon to the other movies cause for me, this is a whole new movie. I know they are saying it connects to the others, but there are so many mistakes and errors that it would be easier to just say "this is a brand new vision". Comics do it all the time, so why can't comic book movies do it and not get shit?
This brings us to really the only thing about the whole movie I didn't like. I was not at all a fan of the group of kid mutants and their scenes at CIA. It looked like it had been written by someone who worked at the Disney Channel. "You know what they say about guys with big feet. And you have small feet". Then the dude with "small feet" turns out to be, by far the more terrifying of all of them is like "move back" and they do this horrible little rascals scene of looking over the wall, then moving down, then looking again, ugh. It was so bad. If the movie was rated PG and was for 10 year olds then fine, but this movie was not for kids. Then the CIA guys walk by looking at them like they are in a zoo and call them freaks. In this scene, I feel they should have added a caption that read "THIS MOVIE IS ABOUT RACISM" because I think that was lost on everyone. The constant making fun of Hank McCoy's feet bothered me a lot. Firstly, because Hank McCoy didn't look like Beast(yet), and second, yeah they were weird looking feet, but Havoc shoots lighting out of his body. They are all weird. One thing I was sure they were going to do was have Raven change her feet to match his. I thought that would have been a nice touch.
I was also a tad confused with Hank's "cure". It would keep their abilities, but make them look like normal people. So does that mean Mystique would look like Jennifer Lawrence normally, but be able to shape shift still? I'm not sure how that could work. Plus, what power would Hank have if his feet were normal? He'd be super smart? That's a fine power, but it also gets you the desk job in the X-Men.
I want to point out that I was still attracted to Raven when she was blue. That might have been because Jennifer Lawrence is hot even while wearing all that, but still. So yeah, if there are any mystiques out there, don't worry. Just cause you're blue, you will not have a hard time finding a boyfriend.
So, Shaw's plan was to have the US and Russia start a nuclear war and kill everyone. This he thought would lead to mutants surviving, and thereby he would be their leader. I don't exactly see how that would have worked. Perhaps, I missed it, but my theory originally was that he wanted a nuclear war so he could absorb thousands of nuclear explosions and become basically a god. That sounded very super villainy and very Marvel to me. But I was proved wrong mid way through.
Quick history lesson for those who do not know. The Cuban Missile Crisis is probably the closest we ever came to all out nuclear war. The Soviet Union placed nuclear weapons in Cuba in 1962. One reason for this was because in 1961 the United States had attempted an invasion of Cuba and Cuban dictator Fidel Castro felt the US would never invade if Cuba had nukes. In October 1962, a US spy plane saw the nuclear installments, and this began the crisis. President Kennedy and his advisors came up with 3 options. 1)Bomb the sites before the missiles become active, 2)Invade Cuba before the missiles become active, or 3)Set up a blockade of Cuba preventing anymore ships from entering. The problem with the first two is that it most assuredly would start World War Three since in either event Soviet soldiers would die, plus Cuba was an ally of the USSR. The problem with the third option was it doesn't eliminate the missiles. Kennedy chose the third option, and tried to get the Soviets to remove the missiles diplomatically. There indeed was a standoff on the open water as ships approached the blockade, but at the last moment they turned away. For the moment, the US had won. But again the missiles that already were in Cuba were still there, and they needed to be removed. Kennedy negotiated the removal of the missiles from Cuba by promising to remove the US missiles in Turkey. There is a great movie about all this called Thirteen Days. They take some liberties with the history, but for the most part it's spot on.
Now that the lecture is over, back to the movie. The reason I explained all that was because I was not sure why a single ship carrying nuclear weapons to Cuba would start World War Three. It would be a step in that direction sure, but one reason there has never been a nuclear war is because cooler heads have always prevailed. People are willing to negotiate, or compromise since looking bad, or losing a small battle is far better then destroying the world. But I guess we have to assume war would have started.
With all that said, I loved everything about the Cuba scenes. The great partnership of Xavier and Erik, the awesomeness of the other mutants like Banshee, and Beast, and the final showdown that started the split. I was confused why Xavier didn't stop Riptide from creating his tornadoes, but whatever. I loved Magneto raising the Submarine, and then having it smash on the ground. Magneto's final revenge was excellent too, and you knew it could only end that way. Erik tells Xavier that peace was never an option. He knew killing Shaw wouldn't bring him happiness or closure. He just wanted revenge. Which again was refreshing. When Xavier is shot, Erik has true sadness and you can see that this is just adding to his hatred of humanity. I was hoping he'd say "You humans and your guns". I love callbacks, what can I say.
The final scenes of the two of them also were very well done. Xavier setting up his school, with the first mention of the X-men was a nice touch. Magneto in full gear freeing Emma Frost, and telling her to call him "Magneto" was a great way to end. Magneto clearly likes surrounding himself with hot ladies, nothing wrong there. I've been told the Magneto movie is shelved, which is disappointing. Apparently there will be two more First Class movies, so we can look forward to more of that.
I definitely enjoyed this movie. What did you think? What did I leave out? Who was hotter, Jennifer Lawrence, or January Jones?
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