Here are some of the things we will be covering during the month of June. We will try to post reviews of these TV shows, and movies so check those out.
TV Shows:
Falling Skies on TNT starts June 19. For those who don't know, this is a pretty big new show from the folks who know drama. Falling Skies takes place after an alien invasion apocalypse. Looks like it'll be pretty dark, and the cast looks good too. This will be one of the few American sci-fi shows on TV so I hope it does well.
Falling Skies website

Weeds on Showtime on June 27. Everyone's favorite show about a pot selling mom returns for its 7th season. While I have not been totally happy with the direction the show has taken the past couple seasons, I still love it for being one of the strangest series on TV. I'm hearing that a lot has changed since the end of season 6, so I'm looking forward to this one very much. Since it's on Showtime it does include nudity and profanity, and of course drug use.
X-Men: First Class opens June 3. I was a bit concerned for this one, but the trailers look AMAZING. It really could be the best comic book movie of the year. I'm a big X-Men fan, and I'm putting a lot of my continuity and canon issues aside. I plan to see this with a big group on Friday, so expect a review either that night, or Saturday morning.

Green Lantern opens June 17. This is DC's shot at some of the comic book movie love this summer. Picking Ryan Reynolds was a smart move, but lets see how the movie turns out. Green Lantern is not a funny, happy go-lucky story like Spiderman can be. It's dark, and a bit scary. I hope they got that right. The trailers do look excellent though, so I'm hopeful.
The Flashbacks Podcast:
Episode 2 on June 6: This is our 4th anniversary and we'll be discussing a lot of things. Check out our talkshoe page for more info.
Episode 3 on June 20: Most likely this show will cover the various movies that opened during the off week. We also will begin our our single show flashback discussions. Don't know the show yet, but tune in for more info.